Chapter 23: Date

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Chapter 23: Date

Alexander is waiting nervously for Alistair to come. He have a sense of déjà vu since the blond can clearly remembered the time Alistair and him left to do their project. It's memorable too, for the two of them, it's their first, passionate, full of love kiss. So, there's no way they could not remember it.

Alexander absentmindedly touch his lips. He can somewhat still feel the softness and warmth of Alistair's plump pink, kissers. Alexander blushed, he puts his hand on his face and groaned while falling back into his bed. He feels embarrassed that a simple guy could turn him into a school girl who lost their virginity by the star football player!

Alexander took a deep breath, this is his first time having an actual date, not some fooling around, not some dare someone in a party says just to become popular in school and not some meet up and fuck. It's an actual, literal date to the person he likes. And that's enough for Alexander to be a part of the red, Solanaceae family.

A sharp ring sounded through the mansion, indicating that one outside had rang the doorbell.

Miles quickly left what he's doing and walk towards the huge double doors. The butler then opens it, revealing a casually dressed Alistair in front of him. Despite being so casual, Miles still bows to the assassin, showing respect.

The albino walks through the halls and stopped by Alexander's room. The blond looks to his mirror, seeing an amused Alistair staring at him. Right now, the blond is shirtless and have two article of clothing beside him, one looking a little raggedy but looks good nonetheless and the other one looks more modern.

The blond blushed. Plant an Alexander in your garden and he will surely be a large, ripe tomato.

On the other hand, Alistair is staring at Alexander intently, eyeing each and every well-defined muscle in the blonde's chest and arms. Alexander puts a hand over his mouth, trying to cover his blush-ridden face. Alexander heard the man chuckled.

"As much as I'm enjoying the view," Alistair tease, raking his eyes up and down to Alexander's body. "The two of us needs to keep going." The albino continued.

Alexander quickly picks a casual outfit, that matches Alistair's and left his room. Now, its Alexander's time to stare. Alistair wore a sleeveless grey jacket, with an intricate blood red and black design in the middle. Alexander notices a tattoo engraved on Alistair's arm. It's some sort of creature with wings and snowflake at the center. It looks good, amazing to some degree. For the under part, Alistair wore denim pants and red running shoes. Simple yet stylish.

The two then ride towards whatever Alexander is planning to go. The blond gave instruction to the driver, in order to keep his surprise hidden. Albeit, for not long since Alistair will see it in a while, but still a surprise nonetheless.

The car came into a sudden stopped, the tires letting out a loud screech while being dragged across by the road. The ride is smooth but the tires aren't okay. Poor tires.

"A carnival?" The albino thought out loud.

"Well, I thought you're not the type of guy to go on walks and shop for, I don't know." Alexander laughed to which the assassin joined.

"Well, you deduced correctly, Mr. King." The two then walk towards the entrance, they are greeted by an overly cheerful woman, who just wanted to die in a rot or something. Alistair gave her a soft smile, trying to comfort her through her love-hate relationship, that's her job. The two look around, Alistair notices no one, except for the employees and staff are inside the carnival.

The albino looked at the blond and smirked while Alexander is feigning innocence. "You rented the whole park, didn't you?" Alistair questioned to which the blond nods sheepishly. Alistair laughed and leaned closer to Alexander. Alistair quickly pecks Alexander's cheek, being grateful by the blond's efforts. "Thank you."|

With that, the two roam around the fun palace. Alistair released his inner kid and began playing around. He actually won some prices to. While Alexander is following him, have a small smile on his face, likening-loving the new side of Alistair.

Throughput the day, Alexander kept taking pictures, some of them are a blurry mess whole some are fantastic. So far, his favourite is when Alistair is throwing darts in order to pop the balloons. He just looks so focused, and the tattoo is simple but added a new dynamic in the photo.

The two lovebirds settle for a place to eat, it's been two hours since they left. And they both have smiles on thier faces. Alistair is having tons of fun and running around, he never felt so free throughout his whole life, so he takes advantage of it. While Alexander remains passive, not wanting to ruin his soon-to-be boyfriend's moment.

The both ordered funnel cakes with whipped cream, the only difference is that Alexnader have a thick dark chocolate sauce and Alistair have cherry jubilee on his. They are surprised to find those toppings too.

I'm the middle of thier sweet deep fried pastry eating, Alistair notices a speck of powered sugar on Alexander's lips. The albino quickly drags his thumb on the spot and locks it clean.

Alexander is blushing while Alistair is smirking.

A couple of rides, funnel cake and cheesey corn dog eating, and winning prices later. The two dicided to end the day. Both of them are happy but tired. Right now, the sun is setting so they both knew that it's been a while since the got there.

Both of them are in a ferris wheel, Alexander requesting to be put on the very top to make it more romantic. Despite the fact that he is terrified of highs. Alexander took deep breaths and pull Alistair close, pulling his phone up and bringing the two cotton candy they brought in the frame of the camera.


The it is taken. The both of them are smiling and Alexander have a kiss on the cheek on return. Alistair sighed in content.

"Alexander, thank you. For everything." Alistair confesses and slowly leaned in to Alexander. The two met each other halfway, kissing each other fiercely.

"I guess we're both boyfriends now, huh."

"Yeah I guess." There's a comfortable silence lingering between the two. But all thing must come to an end. "You need to end things with Stacy."

"But we don't ha-"

Alistair cuts him off. "I know that! But almost everyone think you two are dating and it pisses me off!" Alexander couldn't help but think that a jealous Alistair is adorable.

Alexander knew where the albino is coming from and he knew that it needs to be done.


"You know, I really, really like you." Alistair said as he pins a boy on the wall. The albino then leans in and kisses the boy roughly, causing them simultaneously moans.

When Alistair pulled back, the boy could not help but whimper with the loss of contact.

"We should take this to my place..." Alistair trails off and the boy eagerly nods.

An hour later, Alistair is sitting on some of his many apartment, naked, with a cold lifeless body on the sheets.

He couldn't help but feel guilty for sleeping with the guy. He did just gain Alexander's trust and actually formed a relationship that doesn't formed by pity.

He knew how greatful he is for having Alexander but a job is still a job.

And you'll have to do what you have to do.

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