Chapter 26: Mission

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Chapter 26: Mission

After that amazing session with Alistair, Alexander cleans himself up and left but not before kissing Alistair one more time on the lips. Alexander is clearly happy on what he and Alistair did. The blond obviously never had experienced such act before, and he's happy that he did.

Just a few hours later, Alistair came to visit the King Mansion, much to Alexander's surprise. The albino practically have the same clothing he wore when they first met as client and bodyguard of sorts. Alistair is wearing the same white tux and black undershirt, the only difference is that he wore a black ribbon instead of white but the assassin looks good either way.

As much as Alexander wanted to hug his boyfriend (which is still a little odd for him to say) and kiss the hell out of him, he stopped himself. The young capo knew that but it's still a little more than frustrating for him to hide his emotions. Alexander isn't emotional but he sure does expressed more than he needs to.

Alistair expresses his concern by saying that Alexander's father told him to meet up after finishing the project. The matter of meeting up however, the albino doesn't know. He just know it's serious but nothing the top(bottom) assassin can't handle.

Alistair went to the capo's study, Alexander trailing a little behind. When they got there, Alistair stopped, causing the blond to bump in the taller man's back with a soft 'oof'. Alistair reprimanded the man to stay outside, since this matter did not concern Alexander. The blond wanted to join in but he knew better.

And by that is to eavesdrop the conversation.

I mean, what else can he do? Sit in his bedroom and wait, what is he, a dog?

When the albino walked in the room, Alexander presses his ear on the door, wanting to get all of the juicy information he could.

"I've gathered enough information for us to continue." Aaron started. "You think you can handle it, Alistair?"

"Of course, this wouldn't be my first rodeo, cerntainly won't be my last." The albino replied with a shrugged to which the taller man chuckled.

But as soon as the little happiness that surfaced on Aaron's face, it quickly vanished. "But my men also found that he's the leader."

Alistair stiffens a little but nods. "He have a lot of balls to do that." The assassin 1then cracks his neck in a more threatening manner. "But he'll need more if he thinks I can't beat him this time." The albino threatenes to that certain "him".

Clearly there's a lot of things Alexander didn't know with his lover. The boy is secretive but dangerous, one wrong move he can have your head as a trophy. Alexander gulps at the thought.

The two continues to chat and Alexander leaned in the door, still processing it all. He wanted to find out more about his boyfriend and yet he wanted to help him too, maybe, just maybe he can-

"I'm surprised this took you longer, capo." Alistair mocks. "Besides, the location isn't that hard to find. Except..." The older man nods.

"But he's breaking the deal with us! He knew not to use it or there will be fatal consequences."

The godfather sighs. "Alexander, you can come in now." Aaron stated. Alexander froze, clearly busted on his super-secret-top-notch-high-quality-Apple-designed hidong spot.

With a defeated sigh, Alexander comes in his father's study. "I want to help." The blond blurted out.


"But da-"

"Wait, Aaron, maybe this can be experience. You clearly haven't properly trained him. Besides, he can still have a little fun out of this whole ordeal." Alistair tries to reason out.

The capo sighed. Alistair does have a point, havent trained Alexander properly except for hand to hand combat and aiming and shooting a gun. Alexander had killed someone before, he knew how it affects Alexander.

Maybe Alistair and this mission could help...

Like a bright light bulb has been triggered inside Aaron's head, he looks at the two and nods. "We already have a plan, the only thing we need to do is execute it. This Wednesday, at midnight. We meet in front. No backing down nor being late. Is. That. Clear?"

"Yes." The pair said in unison.

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