Chapter 8: Lunch

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Chapter 8: Lunch

Alexander huffs angrily towards the cafeteria. Not only this 'Dante' guy annoying him to no end, he's also on every single one of his classes so far, which is four. And the rest he doesn't know but he is hoping that Dante won't be in any of his other classes.

A man can hope.

The blond opens the double doors and all eyes are on him. Like Alexander said, he is used to the constant stares of people. He then went in line and got his food. Today, he got some sort of sandwich, which he believed is turkey and some water. He then proceeded to sit at his usual table, the popular ones.

A conversation is starting between all of them, some even say something about a party one is hosting. This didn't peak Alexander's interest, what did peak his interest is why he hates Dante. Perhaps his looks? As far as he knows, he doesn't. In fact no one does, the albino is a beautiful person on the outside.

I think it's his attitude. The boy thought to himself. But the meek exchange of words aren't enough to fully hate a person. In fact, Dante only spoke to him sentences that are ten words less. Alexander doesn't understand why he despises the snowflake so much. He came into the conclusion that maybe it's just not meant to be.

Alexander look around, he saw the white haired man, sitting by himself. Still not noticing the stares, rather, ignoring the stares that people are giving him. Alexander saw the man smirked. Dante knows the stares he's getting and he completely loves it.

The blond saw a group of three girls walking towards the new kid's table. The group is not any other student clique, it's the cheer group, the most plastic people at all time. But not as plastic as Regina George and company.

The group of bimbos sat at Dante's table. One beside, two across. The whole cafeteria is watching, anticipating what Dante would do. While Alexander is paying his upmost attention to the scene in front.

"So, what's your name?" The one who sat beside Dante asked.

"Dante. Dante Simone." The girl puts a hand on Dante's thigh. This (not so) simple act causes the same nagging feeling in Alexander's chest. He doesn't like it and he wanted to do something; just the blonde doesn't know what to do.

"Hey, I heard that there's a party Friday night at Jake's house. And I would love for you to join." One girl asks.

Dante chuckles a little. "Am I even allowed to party which such popular guys?"

"Of course! You're like hotter than Jake himself." Another girl said, in which the soon to be party host yelled 'Hey!' that rang through the cafeteria.

"Besides, Dante, you can get drunk and maybe when can have a little more fun." The girl wiggles her eyebrows, suggestively.

This causes a huge argument on the three of them. The whole cafeteria still awaits Dante's answer to the not-so-subtle way to say "I want to bang you."

Dante laugh out, humorlessly, causing the attention to be directed to him, again. The three girls also stopped their bickering and their focus is now on the purple haired albino. "Thanks, girls, I'm flattered but...I don't swing that way..."

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