Chapter 7: New Student

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Chapter 7: New Student

It's been a week after school started. And luckily for Alexander, he seems to be doing quite well. No overly difficult home works, no overbearing teachers and he got the team captain jersey. Life is good so far.

When Alexander enters the premises of the school, he can already tell this day is going to be a strange one. People are whispering to each other, not that that's new, but everyone seems to only be talking about one thing and one thing only. And that's, from what Alexander heard, a new student.

"I heard he's going to be tall!"

"I hope he's handsome! Maybe he can be my only boyfriend of the week. For like. Ever." Alexander cringed at one of the school cheers. High maintenance, a gold digger and fuck almost everybody who have two legs and a dick. Unfortunately for Alexander, he caught victim of one of them. On a drunken party, in his defense.

"Don't get your hopes up, Samantha, maybe he's gay."

"Ewww. I hope he isn't, I don't want the virus spreading." Again, the blond cringed. He have no problems with the LGBT community, and he thought that the world would be more accepting about it, but sadly, this school isn't supposed to be that.

As he went towards the popular group, the whispers started getting more intense.

"I heard he's a sociopath! Scary... "

"Well, I heard from my parents that he's a bastard child."

"No no no. I KNOW he's the capital E M O. The worst!"

Now, this got Alexander's interest. The rumors are just driving on different path and sometimes, they contradict each other. Now, he really want to know this new student is. So he can properly meet him, and possibly become his new friend.

The bell rung through the whole five-floored establishment.

Alexander entered his Social Studies class, and sits at the back. There's no proper seat plan that the teacher assigned so, there's an unspoken rule that the seat at the back is for the popular ones.

A few minutes later, Zachary and some football players came in the door, some are even grinning from ear to ear. Probably happy that they got in the football team. And what's not to be happy about? Being in the football team means you'll climb up the popularity ladder in a flash and they can get all the girls they want and get to be invited to all the parties around.

It's been fifteen minutes and the teacher didn't come. And for some stupid reason Alexander is more eager to learn then everyone else in the room. The Mr. Sach came in with a taller, leaner student. Alexander look up to his desk and he froze.

Alexander is looking directly at the snowflake he saw on the rink or that Zero on the action figure store. The man still looks as beautiful as ever with platinum like hair and purple eyes. Everyone, boy and girl, is looking at the man in front in awe, fascination and...lust.

While the man is just oblivious to the stares.

"Good morning class, I'm sorry I'm late. This is the new student, Dante Simone." The whole class nods. "So, why don't you tell more about yourself?" the teacher asked, which the man glared, coldly, sending uncomfortable shivers down the larger man's back.

"...Or not. Why don't you take a seat?" The white haired man glance around the room, all of the girls (and some of the guys) have hope in their eyes, praying this fine fellow will sit beside them. Dante then stares at a seat for a brief second and started going towards the said seat.

Some students let out a sigh of disappointment when the platinum head passes their seat. Dante then took a seat right beside the school's most popular kid. Alexander King. Some people are annoyed that Alexander is still 'charming' the guy. While some people are just disappointed that they didn't got picked to be a seatmate.

But Alexander on the other hand, felt awkward to the situation. He only seen the guy twice and he didn't speak to him. Heck, he only knew his name right now, he couldn't possibly make a decent conversation too.

But still, he's going to try and make his awkward mind, lighter.

"Hey." Real smooth Alexander, real smooth. "My name's-"

"Alexander Lewis King the star quarterback of five years." Dante plainly said.

"How did you-"

"Background check, you should try and do it as well." Alexander is dumbfounded. He didn't met anyone who actually did that. No that's a lie, some of the household owners he knows, his father and he does background check in order to be safe.

"Look, I'm sorry for being a little forward but can I-"

"No." Dante deadpanned.

"I didn't even finished my-"

Dante gave Alexander a deadly glare, it can almost kill someone. "I don't want to be your acquaintance. Leave me alone." Dante said coldly.

This left abad feeling in Alexander's chest.

Alexander wanted to counter back his statement. But he didn't. He hated this nagging in his chest and brain. He hated Dante's rude behavior. He hated Dante's attitude. He hated Dante's smart-ass remarks. He hated Dante.

Or so he thought.

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