Chapter 11: A New...What?!

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Chapter 11: A New...What?!

It's now Wednesday, Alexander is still feeling a little more cheery than usual. His friends suspected that Stacy and him have way too much fun but Zachary and his dad is being more and more suspicious about what happened to the young capo. But truth be told, Alexander still doesn't know why he is giddy all the time. He just know someone caused him to be like this.

The days went by fast, too fast for Alexander. He knows he have Dante on every class on the dot but the albino isn't giving him the light of day. This makes him feel more...relentless than usual. He kept thinking about that one boy and one boy only.

And if you ask Alexander, he won't have a definite answer.

Also the one thing that surprises everyone at school is that Dante, the still quote on quote, "new kid", didn't became a social outcast. Mostly when students in high school did something stupid (like coming out to a somewhat homophobic school) they'll do anything to become a shadow, not wanting to be seen and can't be heard.

Dante is still roaming around the school halls, like nothing had happened. No lawsuit to be throw nor does a single insult to be throw directly at him. If an insult does, Dante will make to throw that person at a hospital bed.

Right now, Alexander is in his room, liking pictures on Instagram and letting out a snicker or two when he saw something funny. Then a thought, comes into Alexander's mind. He type Dante's name, nothing came up; he then search up Dante's full name, and still noting came up. Sighing, he lowered his phone to his bed and closes his eyes.

A man can hope...

"Alexander go to my office, now." Says the devil speaker. This sudden cacophony of voice and echo jolted Alexander awake. He's contemplating whether to go or not. He weigh out the pros and cons and decided to just go. Minus his energy but also minus the punishment.

Alexander carefully went into his father's study or office or room, whatever you want to call it. He passed by some maids, and they bow to him. Just like every other important person. But it makes Alexander feels special nonetheless.

He opens the door, and immediately he saw his father's stern look. He gulped, knowing that it won't be good news despite the calm voice in the speaker.

"Sit." Aaron motioned the chair across for his son to sat down. The blond oblige.

"Why am I here?" Alexander asked. The black haired man sighed loudly.

"Son, there are a lot of things I'm keeping from you and it's for your own safety and your mother's too." Alexander nods. "That's why you're going to have a bodyguard for now on...until this whole shit storm is over." Aaron mumbled the last part, hoping that his son won't hear.

"What do you mean, dad?" The blond ask, still not having a damned clue on what's been going on.

"There's a small gang that's been interfering with out supplies, son. They seem to be more powerful than we thought, there's three casualties just this day." Aaron gritted out.

It's true, The Devil's Order capo can be ruthless at times but he loves his family way too much. So much that it can't be express with words nor actions. Alexander knew this but he still a little distrust from his father. That's why he hired a personal bodyguard to protect Alexander.

"You think that I can't handle myself?!" Alexander shouted.

"Alexander thats not it I-"

"DAD, I can handle my own! I always have that gun you gave me, I should be fine!" Alexander tried to reason out but it is clear that his father isn't budging from his decision.

"A gun can only do so much Alexander!" The black haired man slammed his fist on the table, causing the one on top of it to rattle for a brief moment. "You're going to behave and ACCEPT this or else there's going to be a bullet through your head, got it?!"

Alexander mutters a small 'Yeah, dad'.

"Good you will meet him this week, now out." With that Alexander leave his dad's office.

Alexander understands why he needed a bodyguard but he can't accept it. He can defend himself, easily. He can shoot a gun with some hesitation hut not enough that he can't shoot. With that, Alexander can't wait to meet his new bodyguard.

Note sarcasm.

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