Chapter 10: An English Project

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Chapter 10: An English Project

For the next three hours, Alexander is still in his own cloud. Is it a "Cloud Nine" or a "Vape Cloud", you tell me. The captain still can't believe Dante's move, he didn't even saw him pinning his coach until the last moment. Hell, Alexander didn't even see him move!

Nonetheless, Alexander is sure that he is in a state of awe on Dante's performance. Hell, he may even be scared himself. A very agile and strong person with the right comprehension skills is just the perfect recipe for a top assassin. Alexander ponders about it for a moment, having Dante as an asset of the King doesn't seems like a bad idea. But the problem arises when he refused and the Mafia will have to kill him.

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"Then the A means 'adultery' on her chest. Got it?" This seems to snap Alexander out of his little trance. He look around and saw a white haired boy, taking notes. Dante's stunt didn't seem to be effective enough to completely remove Alexander's hatred towards the man.

"We still have fifteen minutes left." Mrs. Adams, the English teacher, said. "Since I'm lazy as fuck, might as well kill the time." That earned a few giggles to the students.

"There will be an English project that will be done in pairs. I've already paired you up, so no one will complain that Jessica is paired up with her one of her ten ex-boyfriends this month. Got it?" Some students have relief in their eyes while some are terrified, mainly because they don't want anyone else as their partner except for their best friends.

The teacher then speak out each and every students' name. There are some reactions here and there but no one have a full on disagreement with the teacher. "And lastly, Alexander King and Dante Simone. Alright, you rascals! Pair up!"

Alexander didn't like this...he think. Not only would he spent probably a lot of time with him he also need to cooperate, which he think he can't do for the time being. Dante pull out a seat from a table and positioned it across from Alexander.

"Hey." Alexander started but Dante paid no attention.

"Alright class, all you need to do is review one of William Shakespeare's plays, all you need to do is analyze one act of the play and one to two scenes. I don't care what it is, just do it." Mrs. Adams sighed.

"The deadline is right before your summer, so don't come whining that you didn't finished it. This will be half your total grade." The teacher then sat down. "Oh, if one doesn't cooperate, tell me. I'll make sure they won't graduate."

Some students gulp at the threat. Despite her care-free and laid back attitude, Mrs. Adams can be scary sometimes. One of her most infamous doings is when she took down one of the school jocks because of bullying and not doing his own work. His family tried to threaten with a lawsuit but they are fighting a losing battle since everything the judge needs to see is right in front of his face.

Needless to say, that jock doesn't have a football scholarship and no college accepts him.

Dante finally focuses his attention to Alexander, looking directly to his eyes. Alexander froze, expecting the same dangerous glint it once had when fighting a certain meathead. But no, he saw a pair of soft purple eyes, nothing dangerous, that's looking directly at his green ones.

"Merchant of Venice, Act 1 and 2. That's the easiest to analyze. Make sure you read it before Friday." Dante stated.

"That seems simple enough."

Dante then placed a hand on top of Alexander's right hand. "I know you're different from the guy that I just sent in to the hospital, so please, do this...for me?" Alexander's heart skips a beat at his words and action. There's also no hardness in his voice, no under lying threats or innuendos. Just a simple favor that made Alexander's heartbeat jumps.

"Whose house shall we make our project? I was thinkin--."

"Mine." Alexander impulsively said. He doesn't know what he's doing, he maybe on some sort of trance Dante made but he doesn't care. He loves it.

"Okay then. Friday, afterschool." Dante smiles softly, into while Alexander nods.

The bell rung through the whole school and students came rushing out of their perspective classrooms, eager to go home or do other activities. The blond and the albino is no different than anyone else. But Alexander have a small smile plastered on his face the whole drive back home.

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