Chapter 24: The Deed

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Chapter 24: The Deed

When Alistair says those words, Alexander's whole demeanor fell. It's true that most people thought of the two as a couple, since Stacy likes being hand-sy and affectionate towards anyone but that does not mean she's a total bitch.

As most books, television programs and musicals portray, Stacy is the cheerleader at their school. She's at the top of the social hierarchy and can easily bring you and push you down. Most people assumed that it's only natural that the captain of the football team and the captain of the cheer team will get together.

Both are high and all mighty and is basically the queen and king of the school. Some people find it cliché but most of the time, it's the truth.

The only reason Alexander and Stacy hook up is at a drunken party. The two are too drunk to even say their name properly. Then the little ol' Stacy spread the word that she and Alexander are dating, when Alexander found out, it's already too late to fix his name. This made Stacy be more...affectionate towards Alexander.

When people ask were she's heading too, she says to Alexander even though the blond is taking care of some things with the underworld.

When students asks where she was last night, the cheer captain always says 'having fun' with Alexander despite the fact that she basically had sex with the whole football team (except for Zachary, he's too pure for that). Hell, some of the guys are giving Alexander glances, seeing if the blond knew.

Stacy is always: Alexander this, Alexander that. At first the blond didn't noticed but now that Alistair point it out, it's becoming insufferable just to look at her.

Alexander plans out that when Stacy gets to the house near their mansion, he'll get straight to the point. No beating around the bush.

Anxiously waiting, Alexander opens his phone, unlocks it and proceeds to open the Gallery app. The blond took pictures to Alistair and his date. One picture has Alistair looking so focused ahead of him, the albino is leaning backwards and tensing his arms. Oh, lord, those arms. Skinny yet muscular, Alexander finds it so sexy that the albino is looking so focused, eyes knitted together and is ready to throw the dart. He even won a prize, to which the blond cherished.

Alexander swipes through some more and most of his anxiousness is gone. He placed those pictures to the section called "favorites" because they all are. Alistair just looks so mesmerizing from any side you look at him.

It's hard to pick a favorite, but to the blonde it has to be a tie between three. The first one whole Alistair is focused and looking like a model, the second one is where the albino has closed eyes, relishing the coldness and sweetness of his own funnel cake topped with vanilla ice cream and more strawberry syrup. And last, but not the least is where, they are in the Ferris wheel, the sun is setting so, the sky's looks warm. It was where the two of them are in a shot, Alexander thought it was only a picture between the two of them but here, the albino is kissing Alexander's cheek.

The blond blushed when he recalls that moment. And the moment after!

His mind loses its train of thought when he heard a pairs of heels clicking towards his direction. Those obnoxious feet-killers are from, non-other than Stacy's. The girl stood in front of Alexander, looking like her clothes went through a shredder.

"Hey, baby." The girl coos. "What do you want us to talk about?"

Alexander stood up from his seat. "Look, Stacy, I'm going to make this quick." Alexander stated, sternly. While Stacy is expecting something else entirely. "You and me, needs to stop."

Stacy's smile falters. "Why? You're been fucking someone else? Where the fuck is she!" The girl then tries to get in the house but Alexander quickly stopped her. The girl trashed in Alexander's arms, saying lines between hurt the non-existed girl and her being better. Stacy spew out more words but one phrase made Alexander froze. "No! This isn't meant to happen! I will become your wife THEN overthrew you!"


"Tsk. Tsk. Tsk. Just as expected to Missis Spoiled Brat." The two look behind them, Stacy noticing a gun at the back of her head.

"What do you want from me?" The girl shouted and tries to get away from Alexander but to no avail.

On the other hand, Alexander closes his eyes. "You now, I really like this house, but I think it's better with red." With once swift motion and bang, a cold lifeless body is on the floor, swimming in her own blood.

"What was that?" Alexander asked.

"She's an agent by a rival gang. Her mission is simply to make you fall in love with her and, as she said, overthrew you form being the godfather." Alistair stated, clearly, bored at the situation. "I message some of your men to clean this up. And I remove her from the school records. The we need to do is to cover up our tracks." Alexander nods, clearly wanting to become an actor for quite some time.

"So, the deed is done, Mr. Alexander." Alistair gave a peck on Alexander's lips.

"I supposed it is."

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