Ice Cream Fixes Everything

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I could hear Bailey trying to wake Jon. She's been having sleeping issues and bad dreams since we moved from Florida back to Nevada. It's been hard for her to get used to a new room, new house, new everything. But it'd been 3 years and it was time to come home. It didn't make sense to stay in Florida since Jon and I remarried a few months ago. We both felt bad about moving her in the middle of the school year, but we also knew she'd be alright.  I could hear her sniffling and about to cry. He was ignoring her. I knew he was. This was the third time this week and she always went to Jon and I think he was becoming frustrated.

"Daddy?" her voice cracked

I heard her turn to leave as she cried. I sighed and sat up, Big jerk, and held out my arms

"Bailey, come here"

She ran over and I held her in my arms. I tucked her hair behind her ear and smiled

"What's wrong?"

"I had a bad dream. My room is so dark and I think there's someone in there."


"A man. He keeps staring at me. I want daddy to make him leave."

I swollowed hard. It scared me that what she was saying might be true even though I knew there was no way. I scooted closer to the middle of the bed and had her lay down with me. She snuggled as close to my chest as she could to feel safe. I kissed her forehead and softly stroked her hair.

"You're safe Bailey. You have nothing to worry about. Daddy wouldn't let anyone hurt you or let anything bad happen to you. I know you're scared because it's a new room, but you'll feel comfortable soon. I promise."

I looked down and saw that she had fallen asleep. I smiled and settled back in and went to sleep.

Jon's POV:

The sunlight shining in my face woke me up. I sleepily rubbed my eyes and saw Angie sleeping peacfully with Bailey in her arms. I sighed and shook my head. If she was with Angie it meant I didn't wake up when she came to me. I leaned down and kissed Angie's cheek. She smiled and slowly looked up at me

"You didn't wake up"

"I see that. Is she OK?"

"Yeah. We need to get her a nite light or something. She thinks there's a man watching her in the dark.  That kind of freaks me out Jon."

"I know Ang, but there's nothing there. There's no way. You're both safe" I said with a sigh as I softly kissed her "I'm going to go pack"

She nodded and slowly slid away from Bailey and followed me to the closet. She started helping me pack my bag and I couldn't help but stand there and watch. She just seemed so much more beautiful than ever. The way her pajama shorts hung on her hips and the short shirt that just barely covered her navel. The way her dark hair fell over her shoulder as she put a pile of shirts in my bag. She looked up from the suit case and smiled


"You are beautiful. And it's hard not to stare while you pack my suitcase."

She blushed and smiled. I stepped to her and locked my arms around her at the hips, pulling her close and kissed her. She played with my hair as she kissed back and it always turned me on when she did that. I couldnt help myself I ran my hands down and grabbed her ass and lifted her up. She wrapped her legs around my hips and threw her head back as I kissed her neck and pressed myself against her

"Jon....Jon...wa...wait. Bailey"

I groaned in frustration, stopped and put her down. I had completely forgotten Bailey was asleep in our bed. She gave me an apologetic smile and went back to packing my bag. I poked my head out of the door and saw Bailey fast asleep. I half smiled and went over and sat on the edge of the bed next to her. I hated having to leave for the week knowing all of the struggles she was going through. I wanted to move them back here years ago. It would've been an easier transition for Bailey when she was younger. But Angie wanted to drag the engagement out. I understood why, but it still made things with our daughter complicated. 

"Hi daddy."

"Morning princess.  I heard you had a bad dream"

She slowly nodded her head and climbed onto my lap

"You didn't wake up"

"I know. I'm sorry. I was really tired. I didn't hear you. Want to talk about it?"

She shyly shook her head and hugged me tight. She was so much like Angie. She was very sweet and somewhat shy and loved to give hugs. She had me wrapped around her little finger. I'd do anything for her.

"Jon, your bags are all packed."

I smiled "Thanks"

"Bailey, go get dressed so we can take daddy to the airport."

She sadly left the room to go change. I took my bags to the car and sat on the couch with Angie. I hated leaving both of them. Eventually Angie will be coming back on the road and this will be even harder for Bailey. We decided that once everything gets a little more settled that Angie will go back as well.

The car ride to the airport was mostly a silent one. I glanced in the backseat and saw Bailey silently staring out the window. I sighed and looked over at Angie. She half smiled and took my hand and squeezed it

"We'll be fine Jon. You know it's always hard for her the first day you leave"

I parked the car and they followed me into the airport. We made our way to security and had to stop. I pulled Angie to me and held her tight. She laid her head on my chest and sighed before looking up and kissing me. Bailey stood behind Angie, shyly clinging to her shirt. I knelt down and opened my arms inviting her for a hug. She ran over and threw herself against my chest and held on tight. I wrapped my arms around her and held on tight as I looked up and Angie and half smiled.

"Do you have to go?" she mumbled into my chest

I pulled her back and tucked her hair behind her ears and smiled

"Yes, Bailey I have to go."

I pulled out my phone and turned on the calendar and pointed

"See this? This is today." I pointed to Wednesday of the next week "See this? What does this say?"

"Home to Bailey"

"Right. How many days is that?"


"Right. And we have that calendar at home right? Go home and count the days. I promise it will go really fast and I'll be back before you know it. I love you Bailey. You be good for your mom."

I kissed her cheek and hugged her one last time before standing up. I softly pecked Angie's lips and hugged her

"I love you."

"I love you too, Jon. Have a safe flight."

I went through security and turned and waved before heading to my gate

Angie's POV:

I picked Bailey up and we waved to Jon as he headed towards his gate. As soon as he was out of sight she laid her head on my shoulder and cried. She had become such a daddy's girl. It was almost surprising. And she's changed him too, and for the better. He's much calmer and more patient than he used to be.

"Bailey look at me"

She raised her head and looked at me. I smiled and wiped her tears

"You know he's coming back. He'd never leave you forever. No more tears huh? He'll be back before you know it and we'll all find something fun to do. In the meantime why don't we go pick up a nite light for you and then get some ice cream?  Would you like that?"

She half smiled and nodded. I set her down and took her hand as we walked back to our car. We sat at the small table at the ice cream shop and she happily kicked her feet under the chair as she dove into her hot fudge and gummy bear sundae. I smiled and snapped a quick picture and sent it to Jon

Ice cream makes everything better.

That made me smile. Thank you. I'm glad she's OK now. I was worried. I love you both very much. I'll call you later.

We love you too.

I set my phone on the table and watched as she scarfed the last bit of sundae and used her finger to clean the bowl. I laughed as she looked up at me proud of her accomplishment and the chocolate ring around her mouth. We cleaned up and headed for home. Life was perfect right now and has been for a long time. I hope it lasts.

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