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I reached for the locker room door, but it was locked...again? I needed to go in there and lay down. I wasn't feeling well. Why the fuck is this door always locked after I leave!?!?!!? I felt my stomach turn and I took off down the hall towards the lady's locker room and made a beeline for the bathroom.

"Angie? Are you alright?"

I wiped my mouth and flushed the toilet as I got sick again. The stall door opened and Trinity walked in to check on me. She pulled back my hair and put a hair band around it.

"Thanks" I said between heaving "Damn flu or something"

"There's no flu going around Angie. You're probably pregnant again."

Hearing those words made me heave and get sick again

"You want me to go get Jon for you?"

I shook my head, "No" as I spit into the toilet and stood up.

I made my way over to the sink and rinsed my mouth out. I looked like hell. Pale, sweaty and tired. I stood there swishing the water around in my mouth when I suddenly realized what being pregnant again meant. I spat the water into the sink and took off to find Colby. SHIT!!! NO!!! This isn't good!!! Jon hasn't touched me since he caught me in the hall with Colby and Colby is the only one I've slept with recently. I knocked on Colby's locker room door but didn't even wait for him to answer. I walked in and he came out of the bathroom in just a towel. I smirked, but felt my stomach turn again and pushed past him to the bathroom


The door opened and I heard a bottle of water being set on the counter next to me. Colby knelt down beside me and rubbed my back as I got sick

"Do you need me to get Jon?"

"No" I answered with my head still in the toilet "I'm pregnant Colby and it's yours"

He stopped rubbing my back and you could hear a pin drop in that bathroom he was so quiet. I flushed and sat back and looked behind me. He was white as a ghost

"You're sure?"

"Yeah. Jon hasn't touched me since he caught us in the hall. You're the only one I've been with. I don't know what to do."

"Angie...would you leave Jon for me?"

I shook my head "No. I love Jon."

"I don't want him raising my kid Angela. I don't care how amazing he is with Bailey. He's NOT amazing to you and I don't want my kid subjected to that."

"Let me figure things out please. I just came here to tell you. I'll see you later"

I left his locker room and headed back towards Jon's. I turned the corner and paused as I saw April leaving the locker room with Jon behind her. He pulled her to him and kissed her. I put my hand over my mouth to keep from screaming as the tears poured from my eyes as I watched him mouth 'I love you' to her before turning and heading back inside. My heart was pounding painfully in my chest and it was hard to breathe. I didn't want to believe what I just saw but it was real and it was there. What about Phil? How long??

"You fucking bitch!!" I screamed

She stopped and I could tell by the way she was turning around she didn't expect to see me walking towards her with such purpose and hate in my eyes.

"Ang...please...let me explain..."

"Explain WHAT? WHAT? What is there to explain?? You're fucking my husband!! How long?? How long April??"

I pushed her as hard as I could in the chest and she fell to the floor; landing on her ass.


"I don't want a fucking excuse. I want to know how long?!"

"Since you went missing from the club that night"

"You mean to tell me while I was being raped, beaten and left in the cold, wet mud to die you were fucking my husband?? For 3 years!?!?!? You've been sleeping with my husband behind my back for 3 years??? Pretending to be my friend this whole time??? You..."

The room was starting to spin. I felt sick and dizzy and I felt like I couldn't breathe. I felt someone grab my arm and I turned around nearly losing my balance

"Angela...breathe...calm down..."

I hit him over and over in the chest while sobbing

"Don't tell me to calm down! You're fucking my best friend....for 3 years....you...you...."

Jon's POV

I could see it in her face she was about to pass out at any second and sure enough her eyes rolled back and she collapsed. I had a hold of her and pulled her towards me so she wouldn't fall backwards. I looked down at April who was on the floor sobbing

"Jon she saw me leave...I'm sorry..."

"It's fine. Are you alright?"

She nodded. I picked Angie up and laid her on the couch and I sat on the table in front of her with my head in my hands. Uggghhh this just gets more fucked up as it goes on. I knew finding this out was going to be devastating for Angie. There was never going to be an easy or acceptable way for her to find this out anyway. I was just sorry she found out like this. I held her hand and caressed her cheek. The door flew open and Colby comes rushing in

"You fucking asshole"

"Not now Colby. What do you want?"

"You know I don't get you man. You have the most beautiful girl in the world married to you. You have a daughter with her and your entire relationship you have done nothing but shit on her. You beat her. You cheat on her. I don't get it."

"It's not what it seems. I DO love her. Don't you think I know how practically perfect she is? I just...I don't know...I just can't"

"It's why she always comes running back to me. And like a fucking moron I take her back. But no matter what I do. No matter how great I am to her. How loving and understanding and caring I am to her she always wants YOU. And you just fuck that up over and over and over and over."

She started to stir and her eyes fluttered open. I smiled apologetically at her as the tears fell out of the corners of her eyes. I was never going to be able to fix this if I tried. Everything was gone

"I'm sorry Angie"

"I wish I had died that day in the woods. I would never have known. You two could have each other and it wouldn't have mattered. You wouldn't have had to sneak around or pretend in front of me."

"Don't talk like that Angie" as I wiped the tears from her eyes

"I'm pregnant Jon. It's Colby's"

I dropped my gaze and nodded. What was there to say to that?

"I'm sorry. I guess we're both just fucked up."

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