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"Humans, you filthy creatures. How dare you!"

"Sir, we mean no harm."

"No harm? Look at your eyes filled with greed."

He gulped.

"I hit the point right?"

A moment of silence.

"You're lucky to encounter me. The others won't be like me if they are disturbed. Now, go. Or they will be--"

"Be what?" Another voice sounded.

"Huh? Humans?" Another voice rang out.

"Human, go now. I would hold them off." The previous voice spoke.

"Do you think you can?" Another voice came out.

"What do you want?" The human stated.

"We? We don't want anything, but.." Another voice was heard.

"But you know about us so we need your life." A disappointed voice said.

Silence filled the room.

"Let me tell you a riddle." One of the voices said.

"You have it, yet you deny that you have it." Another voice spoke.

"What kind of riddle is that?" The human said.

"See, you denied it." Another voice came.

"The riddle has too many answers, yet you demand one correct answer."

"Fool!" Another loud voice bloomed.

The human seemed to understand.

What do we have but we deny it in front of everyone?

Is it the heart?
That we use to love
To paint our world with art?
And keep the people we have?

Is it the brain?
That we use to think
To help us pass through the rain?
And save us from death's brink?

Is it the soul?
That we use to feel
To achieve our goal?
And be our Achilles' heel?

Is it our spirit?
That we use to believe
To gracefully lose to admit?
And turn back as we leave?

What is it? Humans, what is it?

He pondered for a while. Racking his brains to the depths of it.

"Human, what you have, is you."

You are the only thing you have.

Yet you deny it.


Simple, humans are simply humans, but humans are humans.

"Human, let us void your history. We don't want your race to take part in this war."

"No, Sir. We are in a war too. I need your help to unite us." The human exclaimed.

"Human, you are too greedy."

He was silenced.

"One life is enough, human. Cherish it."

"How do I, Sir?" The human spoke again.

"Choose. That's the best way to cherish it."

"And what if I chose the wrong?" The human asked.

"Nothing's wrong unless people tell you that it is wrong. Your conscience and conviction speaks too."

"And what if I still chose the wrong choice?" The human asked again.

"Let me ask you human? Is it your heart that is more important? Or is it that brain of yours?"

"The brain?"

"Wrong, neither is more important than the other."

"Why?" The human asked again.

"Figure it out yourself, human. For the world is just a dust in the space."

He didn't speak.

"It was inevitable." A disappointed tone was heard.

"We don't want your race to dip your fingers on our own problem. Yet, we failed."

"Why?" The human voiced out.

The room grew quiet.

"Human, if you are to choose between your life and the life of a million humans, would you choose yours?"

"No!" He answered firmly.

"We would." A voice said.

Another moment of silence.

"Human, let us take your world out there. You can't step out of here. You would die here."

"I know." The human said.

"Because I came from there too."

"What?" All of them screamed.

"To be honest, I was waiting for all of you." The human voiced.

"You are?" One of them asked.

"A prince. Firstborn of Viladelpea and Zichary." The human stated.

The silence took over once again.

"Let us rewrite the universe, shall we?"

The human nodded.

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