Upheave the Tyrant

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Three years since the conference, nineteen youths are to be seen on a field. Others were panting, while others are already down on the floor.

They were running almost twenty laps now. They were in their headquarters, that was why they feel a bit more tired.

Their headquarters is a place not on their planet. Vin was the one who discovered it.

It's entrance is like a dark cave without anything in it, but when he popped out on the other side, he saw a wide abandoned lands. Grasses and ferns are to be seen. It was filled with life. In the far left, there was a cliff, and the other side of a cliff is too far.

Thanks to Mei's efforts and the other's help, they created their headquarters bridging the cliff. The cliff stretches for a hundred kilometers. It has an ominous feeling, but it was gone after Von and the others inhabited it.

The others were still resting, but Vin isn't. Von, who was with him, truly knows what his thoughts are. Vin is still running laps, he is in his hundredth lap, while the others stoppd at their thirtieth.

"Enough rest, all of you, jump to the hot spring." Yano yelled, and all of them sprang up and ran towards the mear field.

The males and females are separated, Aisha and Mei are the ones who took care of the females, Titus and Jay for the males. They too, had their essences turned to manifestations. Jay and Titus had marks and glyphs, while Mei and Aisha had marks and seals.

Jay's glyph is a horse, while Titus has an eagle. Mei's seal is staff, while Aisha has a bow. A perfect combination for them.

Lily and Yuri are currently washing when Aeriel jumped into the water. She looked like a fish, or rather, she is one. They just laughed it of and they continued what they are doing.

Three years, and all of them created their own manifestations.

Dalia, has two different essences. Like the others who had been chosen, they can use three manifestations, but not from one essence. She chose glyph on her fire essence, and it created an eagle, and mark on her lightning essence, creating a cannon. She has her fire and lightning seals as well.

Kaye, created two daggers from her essences, creating a pink and purple ones. She played the role of a vanguard whenever they spar due to her agility, an ability of her wind essence, she has wind and sound wave seals too.

Lily, has a glyph of a mole and seal of earth, then a shield mark and a metal seal.

Yuri, has a snake glyph and a poison seal, added to her nature staff and nature seal.

Zaine, has a space orb and a space seal, and a void blade and void seal.

Hiera, has a scythe mark and a fox glyph. Her scythe elongates and can be used like a whip.

:Like Dante's scythe in Dante's Inferno

Aeriel, has a shark glyph and a trident mark.

Charla, a member of Halber Family, has a halberd mark and a pegasus glyph. She is definitely the flag bearer.

Raine, a member of Ordai Family, has order seal and an order sword, she also has a nebula seal and a nebula orb.

Ven, who had the same ezsences as Von, had a mark of darkness and time, with a glyph of a dragon and a mark of a sword.

These are the prowess of the females.

On the other room, the boys are like kids splashing the water in each other's faces. Paul and Tim isn't exempted. They found their new family, and has a good relationship with them.

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