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Im on my way to school probably yuri is waiting for me right now YES IM ALWAYS LATE.

and i admit it i dont like going to school all i want to do is to sleep ,eat to go somewhere with friends.

AFTER 10minutes..

"MINJOOOOOO~~Yah"yuri shouted .

"im coming" i said and run towards her.

"our teacher is here bruh youre always late"she said and i rolled my eyes.

"I know i know dont need to repeat it"i said and we goes to our sit and put the book on the table.

then i saw unfamiliar teacher like?

where is mrs.miyawaki ?

"GOODMORNING CLASS"she said and we are all shocked .

"Im Kim chaewon youre new p.e teacher" she said and smiled at us .

"Yahhh minjoo! youre face is so so so"yena teased me.

"Idiot" i said and the teacher looked at me.

" right? KIM MINJOO?"she said and i stand up.

"Youre too loud"she said .


"Excuse me where is mrs.miyawaki?"i asked and she smiled at me and glare at me..

the fuck shes scaring me.

"Do you have respect?"she said and all my classmate looked at me and yuri laugh at me.

"Yahh minjoo! speak formally to our new teacher" they said and yena is always laughing..

"Miyawaki sakura is now on vacation with her wife so you can sit down and lets start our lesson is it okay?"she said with her calm tone.

we all go to our school gym and i was just staring at her.

"might melt" yuri whispered.

"Who love playing volleyball?" She asked and some of my classmate raise their hands.


"Me!"i shouted without any hesitation.

she looked at me and she throw me the ball.

"then try to shoot"she said.

"I didnt said that i know how to play basketball i just said i love it"i said and she looked at me so mad .

HAHA idiot.

"then?"she only said that .

"then what?"i said raising my eyebrows.

"Then i will teach you"she said making me blush so hard and yuri was just staring at me with her teasing smile.

"You guys choose partner" ms.Kim said .

they all choose their partners and me?
im here always alone .

"wait? and me?"i said and looked at her.

"with me obviously!"she said and held my hands ..

"Is this allowed?" i asked because i dont know if this allowed.

but i like it tho.

"allowed what? holding each others hands?"she said and i nodded.

"y-yes"i shyly said.

"Im not that old ! its just 1 year gap"she said.

"Ow? really?" i was shocked that she's not old .

"I accepted this offer of her to be your teacher for 1 year"she said .

"Just one year?" i said and i sign.

"Why? isnt that enough? why ? do you like me? huh?"she said and smile like an angel like what the fuckkk im dyingg ..

"yah! dont expect to much im one of your students dont think about flirting there's some issues here "i said . she only laugh at me.

"Wahh! i know youre a good girl "she said as she pat my head.

bruh .


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