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Im now with yena walking together while talking about our girlfriend.

"You love minjoo too much right?" yena asked me while she puts hands inside her pocket i did the same.

"Yeah of course "i respond and let my head down.

"do you have problem you look so down"she said i just look at the sky .

"did you too make out already?"she added .



"Yah? whats wrong dont drink to much "she said while patting my back.

"Why are you asking that question i dont even care about that"i said and look at her so serious.

"Im just asking"she added.

"Btw my answer is no"i said because thats the truth.

"eyyy i saw both of you last night kissing ehem ehem"she said while doing this kind of coughs

"Stop okay?"i said to her then she check what time is it but some guys bumped on me and yena.

"Get that girl"the guy said he must be the leader.

"Yah! dont touch me "i said while giving him a death glare.

"Just come"he said me and yena starts to run but they too fast and grab me and yena.


"Where am i?"i said and look at yena .

"yah where am i" she asked me..

"of all i want is yuri for 1 hour please"the guy said while laughing.

he's happy thats why.

"im not gonna give you my joyul" yena said trying to escape.

"what about minjoo?" he said and just smirk.

"I dont want too"i said and laugh like him .

"yah! why are you laughing"yena asked .

"im just happy!"i said but the truth is no.

im shaking right now.

i tried to escape too but too bad there is a guy behind me .


"Can i go to the toilet?"i asked but and the guy let me as i wink at yena and she knows what i mean.

"Hmm? where are you going"he said .

oh shit.

"Look at this"i said waving my hands infront of him.

then i punch him make him fell on the ground.

"YAHH YENA LETS GO!"i shouted then

the guy tried to pushed me but i ran as fast as i can and i jumped and grab one chair.

i throw it to them.

but the other just punched my beautiful face..

"thats hurt"i said and grabbed her hair .

"ah-Ah-ah!" he shouted cause grabbing his hurt its probably gonna be hurt.

"Yah! chaewon stop that lets go!"yena said i kick the ass of this guy and then we ran.






"My gad that guy is too dangerous!"yena said and i just nodded.

"Yah ! youre lips is bleeding but you look hot tho!"she said i can see minjoo and yuri are coming.

"oh my god fix youre self " i said .

"What happend to youre lips? its bleeding ? and youre face too?"minjoo said while touching my face and whole body.


i can see shes mad at me right now so she grabbed my arms and went to her room where eunbi is there.

yuri did the same thing to yena.

"Here!"eunbi gave minjoo the alcohol and bandaids.

"Ouch! dont put too much"i said and she look at me like she want to kill me right now.

while shes putting alcohol i just stared at her and smiled.

"dont smile idiot!"she shouted and pushed the cotton with alcohon on it to my wound in my face..


"OOUCH!"i shouted because its hurt.

"tell me why do you have that in you face"she said as she crossed her arms.

"There is a guy who wants to get you away from me"i said and look down.

"ah really?is that true?"she said and i just nodded when sakira came.

"Yah! chaewon are you okay i heard from their teacher that you and her students are fighting"sakura said with her tone so worried right now.

"Are you really okay?"chaeyeon ask.

"yes i am okay because of minjoo"i said and i stood up and went to my room .

i saw yena crying.

"Yah hahaha why are you crying?"i asked and she just look at me annoyed.

"yuri puts too much alcohol my gad"she said and pulled the blanket all over her body.

"turn the aircon off please"she said and i did it went to my bed also.

"minjoo puts too much too"i said and we both laugh .


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