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me and minjoo are wearing the same tshirt this day to go on a school trip

sometimes i just want to say that minjoo is my girlfriend because im very very proud to have her.

but not now maybe soon.

We are now going to reach the school bus with yena and yuri who is going on a schooltrip/fieldtrip too.

After that i can see the other students and  sakura too.

"Did you eat your breakfast?"i asked minjoo and gave her a smile.

"yes how about you?"she asked me.

i nodded.

we went inside the school bus and looking for two seat for the both of us after that we sat together .

" are you dating her"one of the students ask.

i just nodded and her friends shocked too.

"omg you two look good for each other "the girl said.

im now staring at minjoo who is playing with hyewon on their phone .

im just keep staring at her and thinking what if she doesn't want me anymore

or what if she want to give up.


i feel minjoo's hand landed on mine.

"i dont want to play anymore i just want to hold your hand"she said .

i can feel her sweetness tho hihi!

"i love you"i whispered and she just kissed me immediately while hiding .

"yah! dont do that "i said and she gave me smile at me .

"I love you too"she said and + slap in my arms.

i can see yena and yuri staring at us and probably they saw minjoo kissed me.

they both clapped their hands for no reason.

i just raised my eyebrows.


[Short chapt for now haha]

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