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im in the kitchen making breakfast for us we didnt attend school and thats mean we are all absent except chaewon she need to go there so im here all alone because they are all in their room.

I was about to opened the door and went for judging but suddenly chaewon came in front of me .

"Hmm?where are you going?"she asked me while looking..

i suddenly turned around because of what happened last night im just you know shy .


she grabbed my arms to make me look at her again.

"is there a problem?"she asked..

"nop ! anyways i made some food there you can eat"i said and kissed her on her cheeks while me i ran far away from her and breath slowly..

"omg like omg"i said.

i was about to run again but chaewon pop in front me again .

"yah! water?"she said while giving a bottle of water .

i accept it and looked at her right who is sweating right now because its too hot .

"yah!did you bring a towel? or something?"i asked her .

"no why?"she asked .

"Youre sweating"i said and she just wipe it using her tshirt.

my god

too hot

i cant handle .

"Am i too hot ?"she asked and smirking at me.

"nop"i said and she just hugged make me feel her hotness.




my godnis

"Yah yah yah yah yah!!!! go away"i said pushing her away from me.

i left her there so i can be alone but even im alone im still thinking about her .

i slapped my face many time when i suddenly bumped with someone.

"sorry"she said as i looked at her.

"oh? Minjoo?"i ask and shes jeongyeong .

"hey how are you"i said .

"im okay and you?"she asked me and i was about to answer her question when a girl called her.

"jeongyeon~"she shouted .

"oh?"im shocked now.

Then chaewon is now next to me.

"Ahmm meet nayeon my girlfriend" jeongyeon said im just here looking like i understand everything.

but in my head is like

what is going on here?

"nice to see you here chaewon"nayeon said and wink at chaewon.


"have a nice day together "nayeon said and tap chaewon shoulder.

now im looking at her .

"What is that for?"i asked she just alugh at me.

"yah are you jealous?"she said .

"im just asking"i said .

"well she knows everything "she said.

"like?"i keep asking her .

"we are together and she said that she will keep it a sicret" she said.

and i just nodded because i understand now.

"by the way im sorry about last night i didnt mean too"she said.

"Nah its okay im all yours "i said while blushing .

"ahhh then if i do that agai—-"chaewon was about to speak but i cut her.

"No no no! im too innocent for that"i said and she just sign.

"lets go home now im tired"i said .


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