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Monday again.

we did some good memories sunday and saturday with yena and yuri too.

im now going to minjoo's class.

i opened the door and i can hear ms.jeongyeon who keep talking with her classmate so loud.

"Goodmorning"i said and minjoo looked at me so happy as i smile.

"Lets go guys " we all went to the school gym to do some exercises.

"one and two and tree and four"as i say while they doing the exercise i said.

"Push your back a little bit " i said while looking at them one by one.

i looked at minjoo who cant even flex her body.

" are you okay?" i said .

"y-yes" she said but the truth shes not okay .

i held her back and hold her hands secretly.

"y-yah! s-stop flirting"minjoo said and i left her there .

after we finnish doing the exercise i told them to run around 3 minutes.

"first group!" i shouted so they can hear that.

"Choi yena " i called and she looked at me so dissapointed because she thought she will be in the last team.

"Yabuki nako" i said and she stood up so fast .

"Jang wonyoung"

"shin ryujin"

"and Kang hyewon"

i hold the timer .

"starts" i just looked at them while they're all running.

then i sat to my chair while waiting for the time to be finnish.


then ms. im nayeon called me.

"ok stop now im going to talk to your adviser make sure y'all to keep quiet" i said and i turned around and face nayeon.

"i saw you and minjoo yesterday"she just said that.

"Then?"i said .

"look! i will keep it secret if you keep my secret too"she said making me confused.

"i actually like jeongyeon one of my student and yours"she said making me a bit shocked.

"i will keep it then" i said and we deal with each other .

"You know how many percent is my happiness right now?" i said to her and she shook her head.

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