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i was about to entry to my classroom when hyewon called me.

"minjoo~~ our top 1 is now at the hospital"she said .

"what?"i said.

"i mean chaewon"she added and pulled me .

"go and visit her"she said and winked at me.

"I have lesson you know that"i said. bu she doesn't care about it .

my gosh is this a joke.

i arrived at the hospital and went to ask what room is that.

"Room 11"the nurse said.

i ran as fast as i can and i can see chaewon who is now playing with her phone like what the?

"Are you here to skip youre lesson?"i said in angry tone.

"No, im sick"she said but i dont believe.

"ahh youre sick and youre playing with your phone?"i said as i grabbed her phone away from her.

"yah~ok ok ok stay with me then"she said and pulled me closer to her .

i stared at her eyes with my face so close to her then i grabbed her neck.

"Ouchhh yah~~stop stop"she said while trying to push me away .

"i want you to di——wait—-?"i said.

"youre too hot did you drink your medicine?"i asked then i sat .

"i told you im sick"she said and im just here looking at her so worried.

"im sorry"i said in a serious way.

"apologies not accepted"she said make my eyebrow raise.

"Why?"i asked and crossed my hands.

"Hmmm if you say sorry i want a kiss here*pointing to her cheeks*" she said and i was here shocked and amaze to her confidence.

"Okay dont accept my apology "i said and turned around to get food.

"youre leaving?"she asked me again.

i shook my hands

"im going to get some food cause im hungry do you want some?"i asked her back telling what she wants to eat.

"Ahmm sandwich is okay for me"she said and i nodded and go out to buy.


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