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im waiting for minjoo to come back here at the hospital while im now coughing with bloods.

"What is this?"i said while watching the bloods in my hands.

"Im going to live and be with minjoo forever i cant die" i said and looked at the mirror i want to cry but i dont want too at the same time i want to be a strong girl like my dad said.

"Dad,dont get me here please"i looked at the window with some fresh air facing me.

"Yah chaewon! sit down dont stand like that "minjoo shouted behind me as i look at her prentending that im ok.

"Ahh you came i thou—-"she cutted me.

"Im not gonna leave you im just here if you need me"she said and does the pinky swear at me.


"Minjoo~yah what if i die?"i asked makes minjoo chokes her foods.

"Stop saying that and eat youre food"she said and i go back to eat my foods that she bought.

while shes eating im glancing at her and i smiled at her.

"Yah dont stare! you need to go back to school and have lunch together " she said while putting so much food inside her mouth.

"I love you "

~My crush teacher~Where stories live. Discover now