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While im looking at her sleeping and lying on her bed i just cant look at her like this
i dont want to see her like this .

"I love you"

"i love you too chaewon~" i whispered when someone entered.

"Hey hey chaewon~ii" hyewon said.

"oh? youre still here"she said and i nodded.

"She missed you so much if you only know that" hyewon said and puts the fruits on the table.


"she keeps staring at you in the morning when youre with yujin your bestfriend "she added and keeps talking while me? im just listening to her .

"You didnt notice that dont you?"hyewon asked .

"yes "i respond ..

"Shes always there behind you when youre always alone and walk at home so late"she said.


"and there's more she even keep paying for your lunch and i know yujin didnt told yah" she said.

i thought yuri is the one who's paying my lunch?

"Really?"i said and looked at chaewon .

did you really do that?

"and she hopes that you will forgive her until this sick came "hyewon said mentiong chaewon sickness.

"wait? sick? are this even a serious sick?" i asked in a worried tone.

"Yes its serious chaewon didnt tell you because she doesnt want you to worry about her"hyewon said making me more sad.

"Is this a cancer or something"i ask in a low tone.


"what is it"

"its a love sick"she said while trying not to laugh i just face palm because of that cause im very very worried about her.

"you take it so serious hahaha its because im hot thats why she gets sick and blood coming out on her nose"she said . she keeps teasing me .


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