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Many times that i keep glancing  at her

she suddenly looked at me so i look to yuri

"Caught yah"she said and laugh

"Yah! someone here" yena said and we all look to that girl .

"Oh my gad? Is that Ahn yujin"yuri said but then suddenly minjoo looked at me.

i looked at her eyes shes too happy .

Why ?is my feelings like this.

"Happy birthday minjoo" i looked at that girl named yujin and she just smirk at me.

"Ah thanks"minjoo respond and after that i ignore them.

Yena came and sat next to me.

"You're jealous right?" she asked i look at her with smile in my face.

"HAHAHA? ofcourse not"i said and pinch her.

"Hahaha i dont believe you ! the way you look at minjoo there is something"she said while putting her hands on her chin.

what the fuck.

"Shes pretty thats why"i said and she look at me like she doesn't believe me at all.

"What are they talking about im curious " she said .looking to yujin and minjoo who is laughing together.

i just smiled but at the same i feel something that i cant explain.

"You know who she is?" she asked me.

"shes minjoo's bestfriend but yujin told me that she likes minjoo so you better go and get minjoo if you want"yena said.

"im a teacher yena haha" i said trying to laugh.

"So?what?"yena said and left me here to get yuri from hyewon mah friend.

"i cant "i said.she just nodded.

"Okey so youre going to leave minjoo with yujin " she added while drinking her  beer.

"I think" i said and i glance a little bit to minjoo who is so happy right now.

"Ok ok Im going home my dad is waiting for me "i said then i pinch yuri as a sign that im going.

"Youre going home?"yuri asked and i nodded.

she just look at me.

"Minjoo~~yah" i called she look at me back.

"I will accompany you chaewon"she shouted .

"no just stay here and enjoy your birthday "i said but she walk closer to me and grab my arms.

we are now here outside.

"Thank you for coming"she said and walk closer to me and hugged me.

i blush.

"See you tomorrow "she said .

"Yeah dont be late" i said.

and she nodded so cute.


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