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they all now awkward with each other eunbi came with them too cause she knows that hyewon is there.

"Wonyoung~yah" yujin started the conversation.

"yes?" wonyoung said while looking at yujin whos now nervous.

"Im sorry its just a misunderstanding "yujin said .

"i know im sorry for blaming you yuri explained it to me" wonyoung said and holds yujin's hands..

while eunbi and hyewon who is now awkward with each other.

"Chaewon who gave me that cake?"hyewon asked chaewon.

"ahmm next to you"chaewon answered while holding minjoo's hands so tight.

"Ahmm thanks how much is it? i know it cost a lot"hyewon said with her tomato face right now.

"just dont pay making you happy with that cake is okay for me"eunbi said.

"WOAH LIKE WOAHH RENEGADE "yena said loudly.

chaewon is now looking at minjoo then minjoo caught her staring.

"am i too beautiful?"minjoo asked .

"yes always" chaewon said then minjoo sign and looked at chaewon she want to cry.

"chaewon ?what if they caught us"minjoo asked making chaewon look back to her and saw minjoo who was about to cry.

"What kind of question is that"chaewon said .

"just answer you wont leave me right?"minjoo said making chaewon sign .

"if they caught us! i will kiss you infront of them "chaewon said and thats make minjoo cry like a baby.

"dont think about that !think about you and me fighting for that"chaewon said and hugged minjoo back.

"woah whats the matter?"yuri asked when she saw chaewon and minjoo stopped by walking and just hugged each other.

"shhh"chaewon said while patting her girlfriend on her head .

"O-okay"yuri said and yena secretly took a picture.

"what a sweet kdrama "hyewon said as she accidentally held eunbi's hand.

"sorry i thought youre my cake"hyewon said and eunbi cant stop laughing.

"Yah! stopped that lets go"yujin said so loud and she looks at wonyoung .

"I love you"yujin said and wonyoung just slapped her on her face.

"Dont be so corny "wonyoung said as she rolled her eyes.

"lets go minjoo"chaewon said and she grabbed minjoo's hand as always.

they keep walking right now until they arrived.

"guys you can sleep here cause its already night and might be some curfew you know"yuri said as she invited all of them..

"is it okay minjoo?"yuri asked .

yuri -yena -wonyoung and minjoo are living together.

"yeah there are more rooms here"minjoo said .

"then lets go"chaewon said without hesitation.

yuri opened the door and they all entered.

"i will sleep with you right?"chaewon asked minjoo.

"obviously "minjoo said as they both went to minjoo's room.

"youre room is nice"Chaewon said she throw herself to minjoo's bed.

"Im just going to take a shower"minjoo said.

after that minjoo finished and sat to the bed in her bathrobe only.

"Do you really like me or you just love me because you dont want to hurt me"minjoo asked again.

chaewon is now mad for asking this kind of question.

She pushed minjoo on the bed and hold both of minjoo's hands.

"Yah! i really love you "chaewon said as she stared minjoo's lips..

"YAH! KIM CHAEWON dont think about raping me " minjoo shouted and chaewon smirk.

while she slide her fingers on minjoo's body.

down to minjoo's belt of the bathrobe.

Minjoo is now panicking there and she closed her eyes..

"HEY LETS EA—"hyewon shouted from the door and saw chaewon and minjoo jumped on the bed..

"yah! dont you know how to knock?"chaewon said .

"YAH! kim chaewon dont you know how to lock?"hyewon said and chaewon rolled her eyes..

"I didnt know that both of you sharing love im sorry for the intrupet but you need to eat"hyewon said .

chaewon closed the door and let minjoo to change her clothes.

they didnt even talk to each other .

"Are you still shocked?" chaewon starts the conversation.

"hmm no im used to it"minjoo said and look at chaewon who is looking at her right now while putting clothes on.

"so youre not virgin?"chaewon asked.

"Yah! ofcourse im still virgin you almost did it if hyewon doesnt come in bruh"minjoo said and finished putting her clothes and they both went to the kitchen.


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