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another day of me being a teacher .

"Yah yah! ms.miyawaki is back" they all said .


they all just looked at me and when sakira entered they all smiled at her.

im just looking secretly to minjoo she does too.

i smiled while my book is infront of my face so i can hide.

"How are you guys?"sakura asked them.

"we are good because of shes a good teacher"they all said that .

and im happy that they appreciate me.

"Aww thats so sweet then lets go "sakura said and we all went at school gym .

i just sat next to sakura and looked at her while teaching the students.

"so guys please choose youre partners"sakura said .

i can see that minjoo is the only one who doesn't have a partner.

" go with minjoo please?"sakura said and wink at me .

minjoo is still sitting there all alone then i came and offered my hand for mer.

"cmon" i said and she looked at me and hold my hand and smiled at me.

"so i want  you guys to learn how to play volleyball cause i know most of you dont know how to play it" she said and we are just listening to her.

now i can feel that im one of minjoo's classmate.

sakura gave me the ball and i starts throwing it to minjoo.

But minjoo throwing it to me so fast and i cant even catch it.

"yahh! slow down"i said and she just laugh while looking at me.

"are you laughing?"i asked and rolled my eyes.

"Catch!" she shouted and i ran to reach the ball.

until i fell down.

"ouch"i said prentending to be hurt.

minjoo went get closer to me
and looked at me so worried

"Are you okay?"she asked while touching my feet shoulder and arms .

"im okay"i said and smiled at her .

then she slap me on my face make the other students shocked of what she did.

"omg hahaha she just slap our teacher"jeongyeon said .

"damnnnnnnn"yena's reaction

"thats hurt"Yuri said .

"Obviously "hyewon said while looking at the canteen .

They all laugh while looking at me..


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