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im now back at school the top 1 is back.

"Hyewon? where is minjoo?" i asked but she just look at me its mean she doesn't know.

"Oh there!"wonyoung said from behind.

i looked at minjoo who is now coming towards me in a slow motion.

*Hair flying*

[Bruh hahaha]

"shes pretty "i heard hyewon said that..

i just stared at her

*Time stop*

i feel the world so slow now.

i smiled at her and she just hugged me so tight and puts something inside my pocket i can smell her perfume too .

goshh im dying .

she smell so good omg

i admit it now im a pervert.

then she break the hugged and im now blushing .

so pretty.




"YAH! chaewon" she slaps my arms .

"Oh?"i said trying to act normal and fix my self.

"why?"i asked.

"nothing im just you know want to see if youre okay now"she said and i gave a smile.

"thanks for your concern "i said.

and both of us went to our classroom then i saw wonyoung looking at me yena too also yujin.

"Are you ready ?"yujin asked me.

ready for what?

"You will introduce her you know when we graduate "she said and i just nodded.

"we're not together anymore"i said and sign .

"then Court her when we graduate  "she said while counting the 5 days on her hand.

is that a good idea?

"You're right i will ask her but i need your help guys"i said and we talked about it.

"once we graduate we can do want we want now"hyewon said and raise her arms.

"yeah do what i miss"i said. they looked at me.

"Ohhhh so pervert chaewon"yujin said .


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