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im now shocked of what chaewon said and im now sad too.

i just admit my feelings for her thats why i rejected yujin for courting me because i want only chaewon .

"Minjoo~yah"yujin shouted i looked at her excitedly cause i thought shes chaewon .

"Lets go home i will take you home"yujin said and i smiled at her.

im happy having a bestfriend like her shes always there to accompany her.

i looked at chaewon who was about to go but i saw yuri called her.

"Yuri~ arent you coming with us?"i said.

"ahmm im going with chaewon you want to come?"she said and yena looked at yujin like she want to kill her.

"Its okay yuri ! go with minjoo "chaewon said.

is she ignoring me?

"chaewon? are you ignoring me?"i asked and suddenly looked at me and she smiled.

here we go again with her smiles.

"No"she answer it then whats wrong?

"Minjoo~ we need to talk"chaewon suddenly said .i nodded.

i want to talk to her too.

"tomorrow"she said .

We are all walking together while yujin is in the middle.

i keep glancing at her cause i dont want to go home without even looking at her.

i want her in my dreams


in my life but what if she doesnt want me .

i always remember how she kissed me in my face also how she held my hands.

i dont want to fell in love with her but i guess i just did.

"Yah minjoo~yah are you okay?"yujin asked make them all looked at me so worried except chaewon .

"im okay" i said.

"Cmon give me your bag "yujin said and i gave her my bag .

i saw chaewon looked at us.


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