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Both minjoo and chaewon and yulyen were going to see the fireworks.

"ill go get a water wait me there"chaewon said and left them all to buy water for all of them.

"so? You like it?" yuri asked minjoo .

minjoo was there looking confused to

"what do you mean?" minjoo said .

"about the kissing kissing " yena said while laughing and clinging with yuri.

"hmm yeah that was good"minjoo said didnt she knows chaewon is in her back listening to what yena and yuri saying.

"im here "chaewo suddenly sat next to minjoo .

she smirk at minjoo.

"good huh!"chaewon trying to tease minjoo.

minjoo was about to speak but chaewon intrupet her.

"dont talk if you dont want me to take you to the bed "chaewon said.

"WOAHH"yena and yuri's reaction.

after that they eat all of the food that yena and chaewon bought.

"say ahhh!"chaewon said while waiting for minjoo to open her mouth.

"Thank you"minjoo said.

"let me do it too"yena said .

"say ahh"yena said but yuri ignored her so she ate her food that she want to give to yuri.

"Yah! dont you love me?"yena said .

"No"yuri said then yena was there shocked of what yuri said.

"because i really love you"yuri added .

"stop it"chaewon said as she look to her watch to see what time is .

"Cmon the fireworks will start "chaewon said .

as she stood up with minjoo and hold her hands yena and yuri doing it the same.






"Wow" minjoo said

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"Wow" minjoo said.

chaewon is looking at minjoo for the whole time .

"beautiful"chaewon said while looking at minjoo but then she looked at the fireworks.

didnt she know minjoo is looking at her who is now looking to the fireworks.

"Chaewon?are you happy with me?"minjoo asked.

"ofcourse i am happy "she said as she hold minjoos hands so tight.

" i just want to hold youre hands forever " chaewon said.

chaewon wants to cry but she doesn't want to cry in front of her .

"im sorry for making you wait"chaewon said with an emotional tone.

"Yah chaewon "yuri called.

"minjoo knows to wait well"yena said.

then yuri and yena kissed each other while the fireworks is still there.

"Im really really live you minjoo~yah"chaewon said as she looked to minjoo .

She kissed minjoo on her forehead.

"thats for now! we shared kissed a lot"chaewon said she can see minjoos smile in her face.

"chaewon~a saranghae"she said as she hugged chaewon so tight.

"me too"


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