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Im in love with her smile and ofcourse with her too.

we almost kissed two times

im in my terrace trying to get some fresh air and i actually did it.

"WHAT A NICE DAY"i said and smiled.

i almost fainted when chaewon kissed me like that.

like super deep.

"Hahaha Minjoo? are you imagining that you and chaewon making out like that?" yena said while eating her cake the she baked a while ago.

"No iww like iwwww " i said looking at her strange.

"Dont give me that look minjoo if you want to do that then do it trust me chaewon will love it"yena said as she got a loud slap from yuri.

"dont teach her like that i know we're doing that always "yuri said while drinking her coffee.

i look at my watch to see what time is it and its only 8:30 i went to the bathroom so i can take a shower.

After that i choose what i am gonna wear for this kind of date.

its a date obviously.

im just wearing a simple clothes like tshirt with shorts.

"Minjoo! lets eat"yuri said.

I go to the kitchen so i can eat breakfast that yuri made.

"So? "yena said while taking a bite of her sandwiches.

"What?" i said .

"we are coming with you so we can have a double date "she said and i just nodded cause i dont know what to say.


"i think thats chaewon"yena said as she opens the door and reveal my chaewon face.

she smiled at me and i smiled at her too.

"Mingurii!"she said .

im surprised cause she kissed me suddenly but not in my lips .



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