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im now helping yuri and yena to prepare for my birthday.

Im happy and i still remember the kiss in my cheeks .

"Unnie! thanks for saving me "i said and she smiled at me and says.

"YOURE ALWAYS WELCOME HEHE"they both said ..

when we're done doing this design for my birthday we sat to rest.

"Are you waiting for someone?" yuri started the conversation.


"its chaewon right?" yena asked and im about to explode here.

"Hahaha Minjoo is blushing" they said.

they are always like that always teasing me.


we are now waiting to other visitor and chaewon is still not here.

"i think shes not coming "i said and put my head down..


"Shes here!"yuri shouted make me look to our door.

"Pabo! cmon relax shes coming" they said and they pat my head..

i went to the kitchen and pulled out the sushi and ate one piece.

"Minjoo!!! shes here"yuri said and i was about to stand up but i sat again.

"Unnie! stop teasing me"i said .

"Yah! shes here !im not joking"she said in a serious tone..

"Annyeong, Minjoo~yah"i heard a voice  make me jump to the chair.

"Am i late?"she looked at me .

"No "both yena and yuri said.

"Yah! "i said and i walk closer to her and hug her.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY"she said as she smiled at me make me melt .

like an a ice cream.

*she gave me the gift*

"What is this?"i asked and she look at me in a  confused  way.

"a gift "she said while laughing .

"Dont you know ?"she asked me.

ofcourse i know my gad

"Open it later"she said and i nodded.

she goes with yena and yuri to drink.

im just staring at her gift .

what is this?

i even shake it to hear what is inside this box.

Then yuri wave at me and signing to come there.

I sat next to chaewon while putting my feet to the pool.

"did you eat?"i asked.

"Yup!"she said .smiling like an idiot.

why is my heart beating so fast when im with her.

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