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Im now walking with minjoo i didnt hold her hands cause im shy .

I just looked at her while shes putting her lipstick on her lips also i looked at her up and down to see her clothes shes so stunning.

"is this okay?"minjoo said while pointing her lips on me..

her lips is too red .

"yeah its okay now but dont put so much" i said in a calm tone.

she looked at me.

"do you want some?"she asked me.

"Nope"i answer.

"what about kissing me in my lips?"she said and i grabbed her arms and pulled her closer to me and our nose almost touch.

"is this what you want?"i said but didnt she know im just teasing her.

"a-ahm"shes trying to not look at me .

"But nope" i said and hold her hands .

"They might see us "she said.

"Do i care?"she just smiled when i said that.

"i want to hold you everyday"i added making her blush right now.

we went to buy some couple tshirt and we ate some dessert.

"thank you for this"she said and hugged me.

"Welcome, just to make you happy"i said and we both went to watch a movie but before we go there we buy popcorn and milktea.

we sat and starts to watch the movie we choose.

but im not watching the movie i just stared minjoo who is eating popcorn while watching this movie.

And then i slowy put my hands on her hands make her looked at me.

"i love you ,minjoo~yah"i said while looking at her.

"i love you too"she said make me smile.

i slowy put the popcorn aside and i kissed minjoo's hands as i looked at her in her eyes.

i started to move closer to her but she ruined the moment she grabbed her milktea and watch the movie.

"yah! you ruined the moments" i said .

im flirting my god.

"cmon kiss me"minjoo said and closed her eyes.

i looked at her trying not to laugh but now im serious and im staring at her lips right now.

she opened her eyes and saw me staring at her.

"Im happy when im with you" i said .

and move closer to her again until my nose touch her nose

i kissed her on her lips fo 1 sec


i kissed her on her lips while my right hand on her neck.


minjoo puts her arms on my waist and starts kissing me back .

I pushed her more closer to me and kissed her more deeper.

as i entered my tongue without asking her permission .

And now i can feel minjoo trying to breath while kissing.

after 2minutes

i broke the kissed and saw minjoo breathing heavily.

"are you okay? am i a good kisser?"i joked and she just slap me in my arms.

"yah! yeah im okay i just didnt expect this "she said .

and i saw yuri and yena sitting in front of us.

"did you enjoyed?"yena asked me and i nodded .

well i cant deny.


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