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im now walking alone to go home because yuri and yena is always having dinner at the resto.

they always leaving me alone here and im used to it! but what i miss is when chaewon is always here walking with me.

i looked at the sky and stop by walking and just close my eyes.

"Chaewon~ i want you here"




i opened my eyes and no chaewon appears.
and then i was about to walk when someone called me.



"Youre waiting me right?"she said with her smile on her face ..

youre smile is my favorite.

"Ah?me? y-yes"i stutter.

"i walk you home"she said and im now blushing in front of her.

"Are you ready for tomorrow?" she asked.

"ofcourse!"i said excitedly.

"me too" she said and gave me high five but then after she holds my hand so fast i didnt even realize.

"just hold me"she said and we walked while holding each others hand we didnt even talk for 10minutes.

after that we arrive at my house and im in my door right now ready to open it but chaewon walks towards me and her face right mow is so close.



she peck me in my lips.

"See you tomorrow" she said and she starts waving at me.

i waved back.


im at my terrace thinking about chaewon
i dont know but im blushing when it comes to chaewon.

Like what the hell is wrong with me i didnt even slap her when she fuck me .

im now drinking the juice made by yuri .
yuri then came to my room to starts a conversation.



"Yuri~yah i think im inlove with chaewon " i said.

"ofcourse you are she is your ex but its okey for me if you want to cameback to her "she said.

"i want to give her a chance"i said.

she chokes her drinks .


"you told her about that?"she asked.

"im gonna tell it to her tomorrow"i said and a smile grow in my face like a different smile that ive never done before.

"you seem so happy then i wish you goodluck"she said and tap my shoulder because shes going to sleep and wake up early because tomorrow is our graduation.

and i will see my parents too they are too busy so thats why they gave me this house and let my friends stay here because i dont like staying at home alone.



am i ready?

for tomorrow.

i sign and look up the sky .

"Eyy! why am i so nervous?"i said.

while i didnt even notice hyewon behind me.

"Yah!dont scare me like that" i said to her and sat to my chair.

"Yah shooting stars!" hyewon said .

i saw it too and closed my eyes.

"i wish minjoo will say yes" i said in my mind while my eyes is still close.

"done "hyewon said.

"btw im going to sleep yow! we need to go at school early "she said and i agree with that.

im now lying on my bed and put the blankets on while thinking about my plan tomorrow.

i hope my moms will come in my graduation.[Yeji-Lia]

they adopted me when my dad died because of my mom .

im angry at her because she left us.

i dont want that to happend again.


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