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"Aish i cant i cant " now im talking to my self cause i cant get minjoo out of my mind right now..

ending up i fell.

"You think too much chaewon" hyewon said .

"Woah? why are you here?"i asked her because i saw her enjoying her wine with them but then suddenly shes here.

"Wahhhh! the cake taste so good"she said .

"Bruh im asking you!"i said trying to calm down.

"Yah you know i heard yujin and minjoo talking about you"she said and im shock and im now curious.

"really?"i said and a smile pop in my face .

"I heard minjoo refused yujin" she said.


"shes courting minjoo but i heard she said no"

but why?


(a/n what are you thinking right now?) HAHAH

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