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i was about to sleep when i saw chaewon and hyewon and yena and the others too who is now drinking their beer.

thought she is sleeping 🙄

i saw them from the window .

and tomorrow we will starts to do the lesson of miyawaki sakura i dont know what lesson is it because our school is now occupied.

thats why we are all here.

"stop looking and lets joined them their"yuri said. hitomi and eunbi said that too.

"I dont want too but you guys if you want"i said and ignored them all and keep looking to chaewon who is now laughing with them.

i just keep admiring her.

my teacher my girlfriend.

and something pop on my head.

"I wished i will be the man who will take care of a princess named kim minjoo"


my god .

"I changed my mind lets joined them" i said and yuri smiled at me .

"Hi "eunbi said to them .

"youre not sleeping its late"chaewon keep saying that .

"And you? Drinking here instead of sleeping?"i said in an angry tone.

"ahh okey its my fault"she said and pout.

"Its okay"i said and say next to her.

she smell like a beer now my god i hate that smell tho.

chaewon gave me a beer but i didnt accept cause i dont drink im a good girl.

"So kill joy minjoo" Yena said and she receive a loud slap from yuri.

"Yah But try minjoo just one shot!"yuri said make me look at her so disappointed cause i thought she slap yena for telling me that because i didnt accept what chaewon gave to me.

but i guess they are all the same my god.

im the one here who is not drinking im just looking at chaewon and the way yena giving chaewon more beer 🍺

i just rolled my eyes .

1 hour later

i just sat here while they are all kissing each other except of hyewon who is now lying on the ground.

"Are you drunk?"i asked hyewon.

"my cake is drunk not me"she said and i know shes drank bruh.

"Me? im not drunk" chaewon said as i looked at her face .

"yes you are"i can see from her face because sher face is now so red.

"Im not "she keeps saying and i dont care cause i know the truth.

"try to walk alone then"i said and looked at her who is now standing trying to walk.

she fell but not on the ground she fell on top of me.


"yahh! i thought youre not drunk?" i asked her and she just looked at me.

"Minjoo~yah i love you"she said . i pushed her away from me.

"i love you too but my tshirt that im wearing now is new so dont try to vomit into me" i said and grabbed her arms and put in on my shoulder to help her to walk.

my god shes too heavy

i throw her to my bed .

i turned around to think if its a good idea to take her clothes off and the put new.

"aishh"i said and still thinking while looking at her.

"Okay minjoo just close youre eyes" im now talking to my self while trying to take chaewon's shirt off.

"My god"i said and i just opened my eyes and let my self to see her body.

"im sorry for doing this but this is for the best"i said and i cannot stop staring at her body.

i cant deny but i think she has a nice body!

im now finished to take her clothes perfectly but i didnt expect that she grabbed my hands make me fall and feel her body.

i need godjihyo right now

she slowly opened her eyes and im just here staring at her .

she rolled and now shes on top of me
she even lick my neck.

"ahh~" as i moan .

and now i cant believe my self for moaning like that.



she keep licking my neck up to my chin and now shes kissing my lips she bite it .

now i can feel the hotness in this room.


she looked at me and smirk at me but i just pulled her closer to me and she kissed me so so so deep .
That makes me breth heavely.

"fuck" i sudden said that because shes too good doing this.

I hold the sheets so tight when chaewon went down to my private.

i think im gonna die right now.

i just bite my lips.


[ek ek ek ek]

[a/n nexttt!]

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