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"Who are you looking at?" chaewon asked me in sudden .

"im looking to my wife"i said and she looked at me so curious.

"Too sweet Haha what about eat each other after this school trip?"she said making me shocked.

"What?"i said.

"i mean eat our potato chips dont get me wrong"she said and i just nodded i think its a you know haha.

"ahh i tho—"

"You thought it was a sex like that?" chaewon said and i nodded.

"dirty minded hahah"she added and i just slap her in her arms two times..

"thats hurt"she said while touching her arms.

after that we arrive at the place we're all staying in.

its kind of camping like that.

"Okey guys i will choose your room mates"sakura said.

"Chaewon,yena,yujin,hyewon and nako will be in the same room" sakura said and i sign it means im sad because chaewon is not with me.

and obviously im in a second room with yuri and wonyoung etc.

and the others is in the third room.

I wave at chaewon who is waving at me too she gave me a flying kiss tho shes too cute .

"See you later"she shouted make the others looked at me .


im now putting my things on the floor and throw my self to my bed .

"you seem so happy"eunbi said and i looked at her.

"yeah super"i said make yuri jump on me.

"did you guys make out already"she asked me.

"no "i said and she just sign .

"My gad minjoo"wonyoung said.

"Yah! im older than you"i said to her.

"Im sorry but me and yujin did it "she said and yuri look at me.

"actually i did it too more than two times "she said..

"okey?"i said like i dont care about that.

"ask chaewon she wants it too shes just waiting youHAHA"yuri said .

this gay.

"No i dont want too"i said and wonyoung looked at me then she face palm.

"The innocent in this room get out"they said but except eunbi and hitomi.

"im going to visit yena later, minjoo want to come ?i know shes with chaewon"yuri said .

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