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"Yah i cant believe "

"shes going here bruh"

"like no need tho"

"but yeah its okay i like seeing her everyday "

"i think i have a crush on her Yeah why not! shes pretty "

im just talking to my self then yuri came.

"HAHAHA minjoo youre so early today"yuri said.

"ofcourse its my birthday thats why!"i said but the truth i want to see chaewon.

"i don't believe you at all minjoo i know you want to see CHAEWON~~~yieeeeeee"yuri keep teasing me.

"Yah! shut up"i said tgen she looked at me.

"Omg"she said while putting her hands to her face shes about to cry tho.

im on my way.

i can see chaewon is already there i run so fast to see her but then she looked at me.

"You're late again minjoo"she said and i checked my phone .

im not late!!!

"aishh ! you take it so serious "she said while laughing in front of me and then she stopped laughing and pat my head..

"Go to your sit now"she said .

damn her smile

im dying.

im just sitting here while shes teaching the others to play.

im kinda jealous right now hayss.

i almost forgot that today is my birthday!

"Minjoo its your turn"she said while holding my hands with the ball .

"just concentrate "she said.

i can feel her breath on my neck MY GOD

" are you okay?"she asked me because im sweating right now.

"ah? Y-yes " i said.






"Yah i cant handle it shes to hot "i almost shouted .

"minjoo calm down HAHA there is so many people here you know just eat your lunch"yena said.

"okey okey" i said trying to calm my self but actually i did it..

im just looking at her while im eating my lunch.

did she eat?

shes too busy while reading that book on her hand.

i was about to go to my classroom but suddenly someone grab my arms making me looke at her with her face so close on mine.

"Happy birthday"chaewon said that and she kissed me in my cheeks.

oh my god whats happening.

im gonna faint.

"thank you im glad you know"i said and she smiled at me.

she crossed her arms and look at me so close again.

this girl trying to kill me.

"see you later! at your party im now going home"she said..

"Wait youre not going to walk with us?" i asked her and she nodded.

she looked at me isnt it obvious im gonna miss her.

"why are you looking at me like that?"i asked and many students looks at us being close to each other.

yahh! i dont want issue .

i pushed chaewon a little bit cause we're to close to each other.

"There is something on your head "she said and picking that thing in my hair..

"You should go and see you later"i said and run to my classroom i saw her in the window.

"Bye!"shes now waving ready to go home..

i waved at her too but im now blushing right now i hope she cant see it.

i put may hands on my cheeks squishing it .

"Youre thrilling dont you?" yena came here to tease me like yuri did .

"Ahm no"i said.

i saw chaewon who's ready to open the gate .

"Missing her so much huh?"yuri teased.

"Yahhh!okay i do have crush on her"i shouted and all of my classmate heard that.

"kim minjoo! are you flirting with our teacher?"one fo them asked.

"Yah!Dont flirt with her its not good seeing a teacher and one of her students flirting with each other "the other said.

"you better stop minjoo"i kept quiet because of them.

"Yah! You YOU and YOUU! for your information im her bestfriend IM CHAEWON bestfriend!"yena suddenly attack with her words.

"So please dont make issues here if you dont want me to  put all of tissue here in your mouth  " Yuri said too.

"Youre just jealous because minjoo is close with chaewon right?"yuri continued to fight .

"Im just saying its not good" she answer and both yuna and yena looked at her annoyed.

"you know what is not good here?" yuri asked and walk towards her.

"Your face !"Yuri said and she grab one of her pencil and she pointed to our classmate.

"Ok ok you win!"she said. she looked so scared of what yuri did hahaha i dont like getting hit by the pencil tho.


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