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im now eating my breakfast that yena made it.

"you know i saw minjoo and chaewon last night"i whispered at yena and hyewon heard it too.

"Its my fault tho"hyewon said and we both looked at her.

"i scared minjoo last night haha then i saw she bumped into chaewon ackkkkk"hyewon said and told us the story.

"i saw the kissing kissing too"hyewon added .

we decided to look at minjoo who is now eating with chaewon when some guy are looking at minjoo's legs.

"Yah yujin look at that!"i said and pointed to the boys who is now still looking at minjoo .

another pervert like yena

"YURII! give me some"the other guy said to me.

how did he knows my name?

im not here to give them food but ok

grab some food and went to them .

as i gave them the food that they want me to bring one of them pushed me .

"yahh youre covering the view"he said while me and hyewon looked at the view!
obviously that is minjoo's legs .

"Youre pervert"i said and gave them the food and went to chaewon i told her everything i can see from her eyes that shes mad right now.

"Thanks for telling me"she said and i just nodded and i go back next to yena.

"Yah! yuri!" a guy came to me but yena grab my arms and pulled me behind.

"Whats wrong?"she asked and the guy just smirk while looking at me.

"Give me your girlfriend "the guy said im now scared .

when someone punched her behind.

"Yah! dont touch my sister"he said. when hyewon cake is now on the floor.

"My c-cake"hyewon said .her hands are now shaking and she punch the guy that make the guy bump into the wall.


"YAHHH!"the guy shouted he was about to punch jungkook but then sakura came.

"what is going on here hyewon?jungkook?and you who are you ?to make trouble here?"she said and pinch the guy on his ear.

"Hyung thanks"i said and jungkook just smiled at me and went to her boyfriend V.

"Call me if you need help"he shouted and im just im lucky to have him.

"Thats your brother?"yena asked.

"yes"i answered.

then the guy is still looking at me .

"i will make you scream in pain next time"he whispered but yena heard it.

"No need bro! i always make her scream and she's satisfied with it!"yena said make me blush so hard.

"My gad yena you dont need to say that!"i said she just put a cake inside my mouth.

"Well thats true only me can touch you "she said and i gave her a smile.


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