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im now preparing my bag because im ready to go home.

actually i enjoyed this lesson but i didnt know yuri and yena was there.

they didnt change at all.

"Yahh chaewon~nice to see you again mah friend"i look at her .

"Ms.Jo and Ms.choi what can i help you?"i said as a bow at them.

"yah! you changed a lot youre now gentleman hehe"yena said while putting her arms on  me.

"How are you by the way?"yuri asked and i smile.

"HAHA im fine im always fine!" i said.

they look at me suspicious right now.


"it suits you being a p.e. teacher but dont you like studying instead of being a teacher?"yena asked me .

"Yah im still studying haha at home"i said and they both smirk .

"YURI~~~yahhh" someone shouted.

"ah minjoo"yuri's reaction.

"Lets go home with chaewon then?"yena said and look at me .

"sure no problem"i said and yena seem so happy.

miss me so much huh.

i look at minjoo and i still remember how shes being shy when i held her hands.

i smirk looking at her and she was like
what the fuck face.

"why are you looking at me?"she asked .

"me?"i said trying to act like im innocent.

"Btw minjoo , chaewon is our bestfriend "yuri intrupet.

"Ahh i see"she said and im just smiling at her and i saw her blushing again.

"Why do you keep blushing when im smiling at you?" i asked.

"Yah! Ms.Kim chaewon dont flirt with me youre a teacher and im one of your students"she rolled her eyes.

i can see she has crush on me.

"ey btw chaewon tomorrow is minjoo's birthday want to come?"yuri invited and i saw minjoo glaring at her.

"sure why not"i said and yena suddenly clapped her hands.

"you two like tom and jerry"yena said.

"lets go now im tired"minjoo said .

obviously shes tired .

we are now walking and no ones talking here so i feel so awkward .

then i broke the silence.

"minjoo~a"i whispered.she look at me so fast.

"Hmm?"she whispered too.

"I like your face youre too pretty"i said but im not joking thats the truth tho.

"ah thanks !"she said .

"dont call me call me chaewon instead"i said because calling me is kinda like im old.

"Why? you said i need to respect"she said and i remember when i said that.

"do you have respect?"

"Hahaha im just joking "i said and she laugh at me but then suddenly change to her serious face.

"Okey?"she said and she grabs my hands and intertwined it.

"Yah!"i whispered.

"why ?just hold on!" she said.

"You told me to dont flirt with my students but okay "i said and let her hold my hands.

"WHATS GOING ON HERE" I heard yena looking at me and minjoo's hands.

"Ahmm nothing trying to do what you and yuri doing like holding hands" minjoo said.


"You two good for each other"yuri said.

we both look at each other in the same time.

And i just looked at her eyes .

"why not" i said trying to flirt with her

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"why not" i said trying to flirt with her.
but she said a while ago that she is not easy to get.

like wat da prik.


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