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Both of them are now preparing for they graduation they .

in minjoo's house.

"Yahhh minjoo i cant believe we're all going to graduate yehey"yuri shouted while a girl doing her hairstyle and putting a make up also hitomi is there to with them.

"Im very excited too"hitomi said.

"Me toooo"yena said.

"All of us are excited "minjoo said and looked at herself at the mirror.

while yena and yuri is there talking to someone on their phone hitomi too.

"Im not excited tho"wonyoung pop in front of them and walking like a lazy model.

"why?"they all asked.

"bruh yujin is probably gonna kiss me infront of my family"she said and they all laugh because of that.

"well if chaewon does it to me i will never regret that"minjoo said make them all look at her so obvious.

"guys dont look at me like that"minjoo said .

after that they finnished to fix their self.
ready to go at school some of them are nervous like chaewon .

while chaewon.

"dude! im nervous "hyewon said.

"Gosh me too"chaewon and also yujin that ready to kiss wonyoung infront of them.

chaewon grabs a water in the canteen.

"hey"eunbi said.

"oh hey"chaewon said .

"Are you excited or nervous?"she asked.

"i am nervous"she said the truth.



the graduation starts and they calling our names .

im the first cause im top 1 here

i walked while they giving me handshakes and then put medals on me .

"Congrats kim chaewon"she said and i bow at her.

and now im going to say what i want to say in front of many people.

while the mic is now in front of me .

"Mam! this is for you and i hope youre proud to me and well the truth is i have an inspiration here " i said and i looked at her.

"Kim minjoo all of this its because of you i know i left but i just want to ask you again"i said and grabbed the mic and sang in front of her.

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