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both minjoo and chaewon fell asleep while watching a video on chaewon's phone they didnt realize that both of them fell asleep and now wonyoung and yujin starting to fight again.

"You are always like that! i hate it"yujin keep shouting but not that loud.

"I hate you tooo also" wonyoung fight for her reputation.

then yujin grabbed wonyoung's phone

"YAH LETS JUST BREAK UP THEN" wonyoung shouted making yujin wide her eyes like this is the end of the war .

"YAHHHHHH!!Dont ok its my fault okey? lets play again and even i lost many stars its okey just dont break up with me"yujin said . shes afraid that wonyoung will leave her behind and find much better.

[Mobile legends be like]

Wonyoung just rolled her eyes and play again with yujin.

while yena and yuri are watching something.

"what is that oh my gad" yuri reaction to those videos that yena watching pretending that she doesn't like it .

"dont be so loud ms.miyawaki might see us while watching this"yena said and kissed yuri on her lips .

"do you think ? im easy? to shut up my mouth for just one kiss?"yuri said as she crossed her arms .

"just stop watching that video my gad"yuri added. she grabbed yena's phone to make her stop watching that video.

"is that a scandal?yuckk!!" hyewon said.

"of course not"yena said to protect herself.

"I saw it tho no need to hide yena that was nice for real"hyewon said .

yena started to smile at hyewon .

"Yah! lets watch it then?"yena invited.

"sure haha"hyewon said .

yena is now searching for her phone but she doesn't remember that yuri grabbed it a while ago.

"i have your phone!"yuri said while smiling .

"Give me that"yena said trying to grab her phone from yuri's hand.

"lets just play mobile legends guys "yujin invited then yuri said yes also hyewon and yena.

they all opened the game and starts to play while chaewon and minjoo just woke up.

"Chaewon !minjoo! join us later"hyewon said shes the first one who saw minjoo and chaewon awake.

"Okey okey"chaewon said and they both opened the game too waiting for the other to finish .

"YAHHHHH!! wonyoung~a you such an idiot why did you attack without me?"yujin keep shouting .

"Ehem?" wonyoung said making yujin shut her mouth.

after that they all finnish the first game and now chaewon and minjoo joined.

"Okay game game!"chaewon said .

minjoo doesn't have any idea how to play that game.

"How to play this?" minjoo asked chaewon who is now busy searching for a skin that she likes.

"Here here"chaewon keep teaching minjoo how to play that game.

[a/n and the sound that i hate the most came up WELCOME TO MOBILE LEGENDS]

"YAH YAH YAH YAHHHH!!! Im dying help me here" yena said while asking for chaewon to help her.

"Hahaha Booo!! you guys a noob"hyewon said and give chaewon a high five.

"Wow chaewon play very well"hyewon said.

minjoo is there proud of her girlfriend ,minjoo died because of the minions.

"!"sakura called.

"yes?"chaewon said runs toward her.

sakura asked for chaewon help to give an ice cream for all of them.

she gave it very fast so she finished in one minute and ate ice cream with minjoo.

"Lets eat ice cream first"chaewon said while handing ice cream to minjoo.

while eating ice cream.

"You have something in your face"yujin said to wonyoung.

"You have something in your face"yujin said to wonyoung

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*wonyoung facial expression*

she cant accept that yujin is flirting too much.

"Give me that tissue"wonyoung said and yujin did and gave her a tissue.

yujin is about to eat her ice cream
then suddenly wonyoung put the tissue inside yujin's mouth.

"Hmm?"yujin trying to speak but she has tissue inside her mouth and she hold the ice cream in her right hand while the left hand holding her phone so thats mean she cant move either .

"You have some dirty in your face too"wonyoung said and ignored yujin.

while hyewon is there to help yujin .

but when she helps yujin to hold her things she cant stop laughing.

"HAHAHA you guys argue a lot"she said while laughing.

yujin was about to cry but yena intrupet her from crying.

"are you okay haha"yena said while laughing .

"Youre not helping shut up"yujin said make yena shut up .

"woah renegade ah ah i mean woah calm down"yena said.


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