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i woke up with minjoo next to me .

what the fuck?

I jumped on the bed make me fell on the floor .

then i saw my whole body thank god im full of clothes.

then i look at minjoo who is now looking back at me.

"Goodmorning"she said and gave me a smile.

smiled at her too.

then i was about to make breakfast because sakura said we have lesson today but i suddenly saw hickey on minjoo's neck.

did i ?

"what happend to your neck ?"i said because im not sure if its that me who make that.

"Hickey obviously!"she said and kissed me then she went outside with yuri.

"Chaewon~a"she called me and i ran towards her.

"Take me a picture"she said and she handed me her phone.

and i starts taking a picture of her.



"Yah~youre good photographer" i looked at yena because im blushing to see minjoo so pretty .

"send me one"i said to her and she nodded.

" 🎶 I dont know why its so hard to tell you~ the feelings inside come sooner or later and honestly im not afraid to tell what we could be that,that why im asking to be my everlasting love 🎶 " im shocked when yuri sang that song.


" Yah! how did you know that" minjoo asked her .

"are you the ghost that scaring me that time?"she asked again.

"Actually i just saw it when you and chaewon dance like this"yuri said then grabs yena's hand and imitating what i did that night.

"and im the ghost tho!" hyewon said and pop infront of us.

"Guys stop dancing"i said cause its making me awkward.

"i also saw this"yuri continued and hug yena we all shocked right now when she kissed yena on her lips.

"Gosh"yujin's reaction wonyoung is too busy playing on her phone.

"Yah yah! stop flirting"hyewon said as she rolled her eyes and pulled eunbi to eat a cake again.

"Yah stop"i said and they stopped kissing each other.

"whats that for?"yenas was shocked too.for what happend.

i just looked at minjoo and pulled her away  from them .

im now walking with minjoo while there a sound of thunder and lightning.

"i hate those sound chaewon"minjoo said as she covered her ears.

"do you still remember what i wished?"i asked her and look at her and then the rain came .

"That you want to be the man who will protect for a princess named kim minjoo"she said.

i smiled at her and slowy grabbed her hands.

"lets go i dont want you to get sick" i said as we ran so fast .

when we arrived.

"Change youre clothes" yuri said to minjoo and she entered and i go back to my room also.

"So wet chaewon"yena said while laughing.

"Guys mrs.miyawaki said that there is no more lesson HAHA so its mean we are all here to enjoy tho" nako said but i already know.

"I already know that "i said and went to the bathroom.

"Yah! you didnt even inform us " yena said angrily.

"By the way mrs.chaeyeon said that you will tell the truth between you and minjoo tomorrow night with all of students and with the president arent you afraid?" hyewon shouted.

"im not " i said and i already knew that all of that ..

"so confident"hyewon said.


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