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"Ma! are you going to my graduation day?"i said while im in the phone talking to my mom.

"Ofcourse ! what kind of question is that"she said (tzuyu)

"Ill be there and your mom too"she added i smiled and end the call.

i know they're busy but graduation without your perents its just hurt .

"I have something for you"yuri said and gave me a necklace .

"What is this? who gave this?"i asked.

"I dont know but the delivery said to put it on"yuri said and i just nodded and grab the necklace and put in my neck.

i saw a letter inside the box .

"Minjoo~yah saranghae"i said while yuri just looked at me.

"saranghae? who is that?"yuri asked.

"i dont know maybe a secret admirer" i said and went back to my room to sleep again and again and again.


1 hour later

i woke up because my phone keep ringing bruh its yena.

im just lying on the bed while thinking about chaewon again cause its driving me crazy.

I went to the kitchen to cook for our dinner.

"Aishh there is no food "i said while looking at the frigde.

"Yurii~"i called but no ones responding.

so i decided to knock on her door .

"Who is it?"she shouted.

"meee!!"i said and she opened the door .

i look at her down to toe .

"wow naked!"i said and turned around cause i dont want to see it.

"by the way im going out to buy food"i said and she just closed the door.


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