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im now walking alone all alone because yena and yuri is on a date right now .

I realize that I still love chaewon .
and i love my dream too when shes a teacher there i love how she protect me in my dreams.

it hurts because all of that its just a dream

while im walking alone i still remember the song that she sang it to my dream.

"🎶I dont know why its so hard to tell you"

"🎶the feelings inside come sooner or later"

"🎶and honestly im not afraid  to say what we could be that"

"thats why im asking you to be my everlasti—- 🎶"im about to finnish but someone just disturb me from singing.

"Ch——-"i stop calling her name when she pulled me closer to her and hugged me so tight.

"i still love you kim minjoo"she said while still hugging.

then she stopped hugging me and i saw her eyes tearing and she wiped it using her hands.

"you still remember that song"she said and i just nodded cause i dont know what to say.

"Can i walk you home?"she said.


are you making me fall inlove with you again?

"You know i want to move on " i said and her head went down.

"Sorry that i left you here alone without even saying goodbye to you"she said and i just nodded .

"well past is past"i said and now i want to cru but not infront of her.

"I didnt mean to leave you"she said.

"i understand "i said and walking slowy with her making this conversation to be long .

"you still love me right?"she asked makes me stop from walking.

"I still "i said with my face so serious.

fuck im crying.

"If you dont want to see me its okay "she said and was about to go but i hold her hands and cry like a baby.

"Please stay and please comeback"i said .


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