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The night was beautiful, the kind of beautiful Grian hadn't seen in a while. He looked outside his tall open window, the wind gently playing with his dirty blond hair, while he examined the black-blue clear terrestrial sky and the stars above that glowed large like street-lamps. Each one was more of an sallow yellow orb than a brilliant pin-prick of white. The starry night was all he saw, all he cared about at that moment, it was as if Vincent Van Gogh himself had returned to paint it.
Grian sighed, the wind taking his breath away. He leaned on the window sill, leaning on one hand, closing his eyes and a faint smile appearing on his lips. He was almost complete, just one more lesson, and after that he could finally become a full Watcher.

He opened his eyes to see a big fluffy grey cloud wrap itself in front of the full moon, blocking its light from reaching his blue eyes. He straightened his posture, and moved away from the window, shutting the window as the gentle breeze was suddenly too cold for his liking. He couldn't contain his excitement for tomorrow morning, seeing how it was going to be his final lesson, therefore not being able to sleep either.

He should've slept by now, his instructors Watcher A and Watcher R always told him to get a good night's sleep. He glanced at the clock on his wall, which ticked away the seconds. It was almost 1am. He frowned, they weren't going to be happy if they found out.

"Oh well," he murmured, walking out of his room, as he realised he was thirsty. He tiptoed towards the kitchen through the long wide corridor with the pillars on the sides. He saw the kitchen door and slowly twisted the doorknob. Once he was inside he slowly let out the breath he didn't realise he was holding. He crept towards the fridge cautiously, opening the lid to see its continents.

He saw the water bottle and quickly grabbed it and shut the fridge slowly. He didn't want to be in here longer than he had to, since he really didn't fancy bumping into any of the Watchers. He was about to leave when he heard faint footsteps, getting louder and louder. He froze in spot, suddenly not sure what to do next.

He quickly backed away from the door, trying not to make a sound. He flinched as he bumped into something and heard it fall and smash. He quickly dived under the table, the tablecloth hiding him from view. He sat completely still and held his breath, as he was afraid he would make another noise.

The kitchen door opened and Grian heard footsteps. Someone switched the light on.

"What is it Azezel?" He beard Watcher  R say.

"Didn't you hear that? Something clearly smashed that vase." Watcher A said. "You'd have to be deaf to not hear it Ravana."

"Well it seems that the vase has fallen by itself."
"Don't be silly."

"Then you explain this situation."
Watcher A sighed. "Whatever."

"Anyway, like I was saying Azezel, after Xelqua's final lesson tomorrow, we should be able to put our plan to action."

Grian frowned. What plan?

"Well it better go well, because I cannot wait any longer, his training has taken long enough."

He heard their footsteps getting further and further.
"I know Azezel, I want to kill them as much as you do." With that the light was switched off, and the door was shut. Grian's eyes widened and he tensed up. Did they just say kill?

Kill who?

He blinked, suddenly wondering if the Watchers were really what they had said they were.

But they wouldn't lie to him would they? They had saved him when Evo was under attack, and had even tried to save the others but it was too late. He shuddered, remembering all the blood that was spilled that day.

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