Chapter XVII

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Hi, hello, author here. I've started like rlly losing motivation writing this fanfic so idk if I'm gonna be able to continue it. So basically what I'll just do is tell u all how it ends, just so u guys can know what I had in mind.

Basically the Watchers were planning on sneaking in the HQ in order to strike it from the inside and they needed Grian/Xelqua because he was a prime admin and he was all powerful with his magic. Woah plot twist, his magic had never been watcher magic but admin magic all along :0 it had just been disguised. No one would've guessed :0

Grian is all evil and stuff because of the mask that was put on him but no one knows his wearing it because wow it's disguised. As he was sneaking in the HQ he bumps into Theo and Theo's all like "woah it's u, ur the prime admin in the diary, how'd you escape?"

And Grian stays quiet and Theo knows something is wrong and Grian attacks and WOWOW EPIC FIGHT SCENE WITH MAGICAL LASER SHOW!

Grian manages to knock Theo out and ties her up with no-magic-for-you ropes and dumps her in a closet in her own room.

Meanwhile stress and Iskall are trying to escape NPG and as they are dodging and weaving and watever, Mumbo comes and sees what's happening and his all confusion and is like "U idiot Grian, those are our friends, ur attacking the wrong people"

And then NPG be like, 'No u,' and takes out a reverse card and calls Mumbo an idiot for believing that he was Grian. And then there's this epic reveal where NPG isn't bothered using his facade anymore so he gets rid of it, revealing his robotic body. Btw remember when his facade was malfunctioning coz of Iskall? Well he fixed it by getting all the colours from the button and is practically thanos and this is why I said "NPG having the gauntlet thing is inspired by DoctorSiren's snapshot thingy" so yeah.

And then they fool the stupid NPG bc he actually ain't human and manage to get away and alert every other hermit and then there's suddenly Xisuma blasting at NPG and another epic amazing super cool fight scene battle thing and NPG is like dodging like a pro coz of the gauntlet.

With the help of False's amazing pvp skills, her and Xisuma they defeat NPG and shut him down. Xisuma thinks they've won, that the battle is over, and gets a false sense of security but then realised that the real Grian is still out there somewhere.

So with the help of handsome squidward they go to the end dimension- jk that doesn't happen.

It is instead with the help of spongebob- ok no sorry.

Ok anyway meanwhile Sam and stuff are inside the HQ and are planning to take out the leaders one by one and they decide to start with the Aries leader since, well, Aries is like the warriors. So u take out their leader and without a leader they don't know wat to do, simple right? WRONGGGGGGG OH SO VERY WRONGGGGGGG
Turns out it isn't that easy to just kill the leader of Aries.

Oh and btw the Corrupted homies attack a bunch of servers again to cause a distraction.

So anyway as I was saying - well typing - it turned out it was a lot harder than they'd thought to kill the warrior leader. They might've killed him if it weren't for Skeppy who happened to be trolling or watever in the area and ran and went to get help and so the Watchers vanished as they saw the other leaders rushing in the room.

The Aries Leader was badly hurt but he would live so no one cares.

Meanwhile Xisuma and the hermits go to the end dimension to find Grian but then find out he's not there and then they find out that they're attacking HQ and some other servers.

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