Chapter V

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Hey guys! Before I start off this chapter I wanna say a huge thank you to all of u for reading my book, I rlly appreciate it and it means a lot. <3

Anyways onwards with the story~

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Grian woke with a start, sitting up and gasping as if he really had been suffocating. His eyes frantically looked around, half-expecting to still be in the eternal pitch black. He breathed out in relief when he realised it had just been a dream, running a hand through his hair.

He looked up in confusion however, realising he wasn't in his base. He was in a wooden room filled with a bunch of beds, all lined up against the wall neatly, and couldn't help but notice Scar sitting on one of the beds with a communicator in one hand, giggling with his other hand clamped over his mouth.

Scar looked up from his communicator as if he'd only just noticed Grian's presence.
"Oh!" He said cheerily. "You're awake!"

Grian grinned, all the tension lifting from him. "Nah, pretty sure I'm still asleep."

Scar chuckled. "Well I should wake you up then."

Scar stood up from where he was sitting and started to walk over towards Grian, pocketing his communicator.

"Oh," Grian said, before realising what Scar was about to do. "OH NO."

He jumped to his feet, trying to dodge Scar, but Scar caught him by the arm, playfully shoving him back on the bed.

"I'm awake, I'm awake!" Grian quickly said, trying to stop Scar.

"Dunno, you don't seem awake to me," Scar grinned as he started tickling Grian.

Grian bit his lip, trying to stop himself from laughing, but failed, howling with laughter.

"StoOoOp!" He gasped in-between giggles, tears of joy starting to form in his eyes. "I-I'm awake!"

"Sorry, what was that?" Scar chuckled. "I can't hear you."

Grian started to wheeze, trying to push Scar away, "I-I can't breathe."

Scar stopped, doubling over with laughter as Grian tried to get up.
"You should've seen your face!" He giggled.

Grian looked up at him, a mischievous grin starting to spread on his face.
"I still can see what my face looked like," he raised his hands.

Scar mock-gasped. "You wouldn't dare!"

Grian lunged towards Scar but Scar dodged, and Grian landed in the bed behind him, groaning.
Scar chuckled and Grian saw this as an opportunity and lunged towards him again, tackling him to the ground and tickling him.

"S-stop!" Scar giggled. "I'm sorry!"

"Sorry, what was that?" Grian mocked him. "I can't hear you."

Scar continued howling with laughter on the ground underneath Grian.

"I surrender," Scar wheezed.

Grian smirked and let him go, watching as Scar sat up, using his arms to support his body.

"GG," He gasped, a defeated smile on his face.

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