Chapter XI

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T/W: Blood warning ¯\_()_/¯

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Just less than an hour before Theo found out about Watcher Leah...

Leah looked at the many thin needles, and then at the source of where the liquid was coming from. She used a small eye dropper tool to get a sample of the liquid, dropping the white droplet onto a small tray where she could examine it.

"Huh," she muttered. "It really is Remedium."

She briefly considered just letting Xisuma die by removing his suit - one less leader to worry about - but she knew she couldn't exactly drop her act in front of the other healers as they would definitely find it odd that she wasn't doing anything to help save him when she was clearly a 'Healer'.

She sighed. "It appears Xisuma has a rare condition." She said to the healer next to her, Beatrice was her name.

Beatrice tilted her head questioningly. "What kind?"

"I've only heard of one other person that had this kind of disease," Leah said. "It's a virus that slowly kills the person from the inside, nothing can cure it."

"How's he alive then?"

"Remedium, the white liquid that's being injected into Xisuma, slows the virus from spreading and constantly tries to heal him, allowing him to live as long as any healthy person would."

Beatrice nodded thoughtfully. "Does that mean it can also heal any kind of wounds?"

"Pretty much, yeah."

"So that's why Xisuma stopped bleeding a few minutes ago."

"Yeah, and at the rate he's going, he'll fully recover in the next hour or so."

"Why don't we use Remedium to heal everyone then? It's clearly so useful," Beatrice said, taking notes.

"Remedium could be harmful to small wounds since it's actual purpose is to heal greater wounds and besides," Leah shrugged. "It's really rare, I don't know how Xisuma has found so much of it."

Beatrice nodded again. "Then my work here is done." She flipped her notebook close and walked out, leaving Leah alone in the room.

Leah filled in some paperwork about Xisuma's permission to leave after he fully recovered and when she was done, she decided she would check on Theo to see what she was up to like she usually did, and to see if she had any duties that required her.

She walked towards Theo's room, frowning when she saw that the door wasn't fully closed. She gave it a gentle push, peering through the door. Theo was reading something with her back turned to Leah, and at first Leah didn't think much of it, but then Theo dropped the book in shock, as if the book itself had burned her.

She squinted at the open book that was now on the ground, wondering what could've possibly surprised Theo. She carefully took her communicator out of her back pocket and using the camera function on it, zoomed in on the book.

Oh no, Leah thought. She knows.

She knew she had been ordered to kill the Prime Admin if she ever found out about Xelqua, the head Watchers not wanting anyone to delay them or get in their way when they were putting their plan in action.

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