Chapter XIV

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Dunno if u guys noticed but I've been updating this story less frequently and I apologise :'), I guess I've been lacking motivation

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Theo lay in her bed, staring at the ceiling. The thick blanket wrapped around her felt heavy but kept her warm nonetheless from the freezing winter night, which she was grateful for. Her mind was foggy, blocking out any kind of thoughts that she might've wanted to think about. It wasn't a bad thing, not really.

She looked around the room, her gaze eventually landing on her bookshelf. She spotted the empty spot where a book should've been. The blanket was getting real heavy now, making it hard to breathe... Her eyes widened as she realised she couldn't breathe and Theo tried to push the blanket off but couldn't seem to move. She couldn't move her eyes away from the empty spot on the bookshelf either.

Why's there a book missing? She thought. And then, Seriously Theo? You're suffocating and here you are still concerned about missing books.

Missing, a voice whispered in her head with her voice.

She frowned. She hadn't said that.

Missing, the voice repeated.

Ok that definitely wasn't her.

Missing, the voice said, louder this time.

Yes, I can see that a book is missing, she thought bitterly.

MISSING, the voice boomed in her head.

She flinched at that - at least internally since she couldn't actually move.

MISSING, MISSING, MISSING, the voice repeated over and over, getting louder each time.

SHUT UP, she wanted to yell.

MISSING, the voice got so loud it sounded like someone was actually just screaming in her ear.

I need to get out - how do I get out? I can't move.

She started shaking, the voice was getting so loud that it started to sound inhumane.

She suddenly saw a dark figure in the corner of her room.

She tried to look away from the figure but couldn't.

She was shaking uncontrollably now, not being able to do anything as the black figure slowly advanced towards her.

Just like a hunter to its prey, she thought.

She tried to scream but instead ended up saying something brilliant like, "Unh."

And still it continued to scream in her head...

And still it came closer...



Her heartbeat felt like it was about to break free from her rib cage-

Theo woke up to cold sweat, breathing heavily as she looked around the darkroom. Her eyes darted left and right, searching the spot the black figure had been.

She sighed in relief when she realised it had just been a dream.
Dream? She thought. More like a nightmare. Sleep paralysis.

She closed her eyes as her heartbeat slowed to its usual beat.

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