Chapter I

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"You're coming to Xisuma's anniversary party, right?" Mumbo asked.

Grian had zoned out and was startled by the question. He blinked, staring at Mumbo.

"Wha...?" he started. They were sitting on top of the Sahara building, looking out onto the shopping district. It had expanded quite a lot since the beginning of the season.

"Xisuma's yearly parties? You're coming right?" Mumbo repeated.

"Oh," Grian said. "Definitely, yeah."

Mumbo frowned, his eyes filled with concern. "You OK?"

Grian smiled, hoping it was a reassuring smile. "Why wouldn't I be?"

"Dunno," he said. "You've been zoning out a lot recently, your mind is always elsewhere."

Grian shrugged. "I'm just tired from all the building I've been doing for Sahara."

Mumbo didn't seem convinced but he decided to let it go. "I suppose you have a point, all the Redstone me and Iskall have been doing is quite tiring as well."

"It'll be worth it, it's almost done anyway."

Grian suddenly started to grin, remembering the potato he had 'accidentally' sent into the system.

"Oh goodness me Grian, I know that look," Mumbo said punching him on the shoulder lightly. "What have you done now?"

"I haven't done anything..." Grian had a mischievous look in his eyes. "But..."


"I heard that the machine isn't working."

Mumbo raised an eyebrow. "Let's check it out then."

He stood up, pulling Grian to his feet, and jumped off the roof, gently gliding down, the wind playing with his black hair.

Grian followed him, faintly smiling.

Mumbo landed inside, on top of the giant 'A' on the floor.

He looked at the Redstone lamps on top of the double chest they had placed.

"Ah," he said. "I see the problem."

Grian chewed on his bottom lip, trying not to laugh as well as trying to keep a straight face. He watched as Mumbo pulled his communicator out, probably texting Iskall.

A few moments later they heard firework rockets and saw Iskall gliding down to land next to them.

"Hullo," he said.

"Hey, Iskall," Mumbo said, and Grian gave a small wave.

"You said there was a problem?"

Mumbo pointed to the Redstone lamps. "It seems someone has put in an item that's not supposed to go in."

Iskall ran a hand through his brown hair. "That's going to take a while to find."

Mumbo nodded as Grian snickered behind them, uncontrollably shaking from how much he was trying to contain his laughter.

Iskall and Mumbo both looked at him.

"Oh my goodness Grian." Iskall sighed, chuckling, and Grian finally burst out laughing, no longer able to contain it.

Iskall and Mumbo smiled, although shaking their heads in disapproval at the shorter hermit.

● . ◌ ◯ ◌ . ‬●

Xisuma hung the last lantern, taking a few steps back to admire his work. He nodded to himself in approval and sighed a sigh of relief, glad that the decorations were finally all done for the party.

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