Chapter IV

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He opened his eyes... at least he thought he did. He couldn't tell from the pitch black that was surrounding him.

He squeezed his eyes shut and opened them again. Have I gone blind? He thought.

He looked at himself, he could definitely see his red sweatshirt and gray jeans. Not blind then.

He looked around, confused. Surely this isn't just an infinite black room? He thought of the infinity room he himself had created back in his base. Maybe this is something like that?

But at least he knew his infinity room wasn't actually infinite. This however, actually felt infinite. He shivered, the place bringing with it an unnaturally eerie feel to it.

He walked forwards, stretching his arms out in front of him to make sure he didn't bump into anything.

A small voice told him to stop, told him it was a bad idea to walk onwards, but he ignored it, continuing to walk.

The ground beneath him started to get softer and softer, and he started to wonder if he was just walking on a giant marshmallow.
He frowned as the ground got more and more mushy, making it quite hard for him to keep walking.

Grian's eyes widened as the ground started to become sticky and he tried to turn back, but his feet were now stuck. Oh god, I'm going to die here aren't I? He thought, his breathing starting to get short and raspy.

He felt himself slowly sinking into this sticky mushy substance, it obviously taking its time.

He started to panic, trying to pull his feet up, but they only seemed to sink further down into the substance.

It was up to his waist now, making his legs useless.

He tried to use his hands to pull himself out but to his horror, the substance started sucking on his hands too.

He pulled his right arm free, using all his strength. However unfortunately his left arm was now sucked in up to his elbow.

"Help!" He cried. "Please someone, anyone, help! I'm stuck!"
He tried to wriggle out but that caused him to sink faster.

He whimpered as he felt the mushy stuff reach his neck causing him to hardly be able to breathe.

"Help!" He yelled desperately one last time just as the mushy stuff covered his mouth and blocked his nose, making its way inside of him, slowly suffocating him.

● . ◌ ◯ ◌ . ‬●

"No!" Mumbo yelled as Iskall hysterically laughed from ahead of him, taking the lead. Xisuma had told them to stay away from the main island, saying something about some uninvited person joining the server. So of course Mumbo and Iskall had decided to head over to the golf district to pass the time.

"Watch me beat you," Mumbo smirked, getting ready to throw his trident.

"At that pace, you'll only beat me at being an omega loser of doom." Iskall chuckled.

Mumbo couldn't help but laugh. "Oh my word, Iskall." And with that he threw his trident, twirling in the air. When he was satisfied with how high he got he prepared to throw his Ender pearl, but something black suddenly appeared in front of him, the trident colliding with the intruder. Suddenly Mumbo was falling.

"Mumbo!" He heard Iskall yell, and turned his head to see him running towards him.

He's not going to make it, Mumbo thought, shutting his eyes and accepting his fate.

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