Chapter XIII

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Ohmygod O.O 2K READS?? Where r u all coming from? Thank u all so much :0

Btw idk if a warning is needed for this but...
T/W: Mentions of suicide



Enjoy :)

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Grian leaned against the purpur wall, his eyes closed, practically using all his energy just to eat the raw potato in his hand. He had lost weight with what little food he was being fed.

He had tried to look for ways to get out of the cell but had soon given up, hardly having the energy to even stand for a few seconds, the chain around his ankle seemingly growing heavier.

Grian forced himself to look up, even though it hurt like hell to do so, looking around the room, although he had already memorized every inch of the place.

How long had it even been?

2 weeks? It definitely felt longer.

He couldn't help but glance at the chain near his foot, curling along the floor like a snake to meet the wall.

It would be so easy - to end it all.

To end the pain.

To end the endless days in this horrible place filled with blood and strong odour.

He just needed to wrap the chain around his throat and cut his air supply off, and he would be free.

He should've died long ago anyway; when Sam had stabbed him when he had beaten him when he had slammed his head against the walls.

But he hadn't. He hadn't died. Death would always be so close, just in reach with its cold but pleasant grip, promising with it a never-ending peaceful sleep.

However, Grian would always be pulled away from death, the Watchers healing him just enough so that he wouldn't die.

He could end it, right then and there.

But then hope, that cruel thing, came to taunt him. Mumbo or one of his friends would come for him, wouldn't they? They would know he needed rescue. They would know how much he craved the sunlight, how much he missed his cats, how much he missed laughing with them.

But when they did come, if they did come, Sam or the Watchers would kill them, wouldn't they?

And then I'll do it, Grian told himself. And then would he only welcome the cold feeling of the assured wrapping of the chain. Not before.

He heard the click of the iron door being unlocked, a now-too-familiar figure walking in with a metal bat.

Grian cowered to the corner, his chain rattling.

I hope, whatever happens, happens soon, Grian thought.

Because I don't know how long I can take this.

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