Chapter VI

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Holy macaroni, 600 reads already? O.O well uh... what can I say...

...except you're welcome~

Haha see what I did there?


Sorry I'll just continue writing the chapter :')

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Grian and Mumbo decided to go for a walk after they had lunch. They had asked Iskall to join them but Iskall had told them that he'd promised Ren he would play golf with him.

"Why don't we join them?" He had asked Mumbo.

"Nah," he had said, with an almost unnoticeable nervous tone to his voice.
"I'm not really in the mood for it."

Grian had let it go only because they were near the other Hermits. But now that they were alone...

"Mumbo?" He said, keeping his eyes ahead of him.

"Yeah, Grian?" Mumbo said, taking in the view of the flower field they were in.

"You, uh," Grian paused in his steps, putting a hand on Mumbo's shoulder to stop him as well. "You seemed pretty nervous back there when Iskall mentioned golf."

Mumbo flinched. "Yeah... about that..."

Grian looked at his friend, raising an eyebrow.

Mumbo nervously inhaled a deep breath, "When-me-and-Iskall-were-playing-golf-the-previous-day-I-kinda-bumped-into-a-black-figure-thing-mid-air-and-Iskall-said-there-hadn't-been-anything-in-the-air-and-I-guess-I'm-seeing-things-now," he said it all quickly and in one breath and looked at Grian expectantly.

He frowned when he noticed his friend's expression. He had noticeably grown paler, his mouth half-open and his eyes slightly wide.


"Y-You weren't seeing things..." Grian stuttered. "W-What you saw was a-a C-Corrupted."

"What?" Mumbo was really confused now. "What's a Corru-"

Grian clamped a hand over Mumbo's mouth.
"Don't speak of their name, there could be one nearby-"

Mumbo pushed Grian's hand away. "I don't why it's gotten you so worried, but surely it's not that bad-"

"No, it really is bad, they're after me, they're here, and it's my fault, oh my god-" Grian stumbled backwards, tripping over a log and falling over it.

"Grian calm down," Mumbo walked over to him.
"What's wrong? Who's after you-" He faltered, suddenly noticing movement behind Grian.

Grian noticed his expression, and froze halfway of climbing over the log.
"What, what is it-" he said but flinched when he felt a hand on his shoulder.

Mumbo quickly closed the distance between them, punching the dark-figure behind Grian.

Grian whirled around, backing up behind Mumbo, hiding behind the taller Hermit. He peeped his head over Mumbo's shoulder, his heart-beat quickening when he realised who the intruder was.

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