Chapter II

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Slight Warning: There's a little blood involved in this chapter; not too much but I just thought I'd let you guys know :P

He felt a gentle but cool breeze brush his cheek as he walked the meadow, leaves crunching beneath his feet. He didn't recognise the place, and wasn't sure how he'd got here. He looked up at the night sky, only a few stars visible, as if they were afraid to come out.

He frowned, how had he got here?

He paused in his tracks as he heard something snap behind him. He slowly turned around, cautiously scanning the field. There were trees surrounding the field, casting many shadows, adding on to the pitch black that surrounded him.

He was breathing so loudly, why was he breathing so loudly? Had he always been breathing this loud and he'd just noticed it? Oh god his heart was pounding so loudly. Could whatever broke that branch hear his heart beat too?

He squinted his eyes, trying to see beyond the shadows. When he didn't see anyone he slowly turned around again, about to continue walking... He forced himself to freeze as he almost bumped into the figure standing in front of him.

His head snapped upwards, looking up at the face of the stranger... His eyes widened, he wasn't a stranger. Grian quickly backed away from Watcher A, stumbling and falling. He tried to pull himself up again but then Watcher A was in his face and he froze, not being able to breathe. 

"Xelqua," Watcher A said coldly.

Grian gulped, fear evident in his eyes.

"H-How are you here?" He stammered.

"Oh I'm not here here." They said.

"I-is this a dream? Am I dreaming?" Grian pinched himself, and flinched when he felt pain.

"Not exactly, but kind of at the same time. This isn't real, that's for sure."

"Why have you come?"

"To bring you home, Xelqua, to bring you back." They said and Grian felt them staring intensely, even though he couldn't see their eyes.

"But I'm already home." Grian said, trying to sound confident.

Watcher A shook their head. "I don't think you understand Xelqua, I'm not asking, I'm telling you as-a-matter-of-fact that we will come and bring you back to where you belong."

Grian was speechless, his lower lip was trembling. He had been dreading this day ever since he had jumped through that portal, and now it seemed that his nightmares were becoming a reality.

"No," he said firmly, surprising himself with how calm he sounded.

Watcher A tilted their head. "If you refuse, we'll simply find ways to make you come willingly."

With that they held Grian from his shoulders, making him turn around. Grian froze when he saw the scene in front of him. The once peaceful meadow was now covered in blood, his fellow hermit friends all spread out across the red sheet. He felt tears starting to pool in his eyes, blurring his vision. He lunged forward towards them, but Watcher A was still gripping his shoulders, firmly holding him in place.

"Let go of me," he yelled in rage. "Let go of me you monster!"

"They're not dead yet, Xelqua," Watcher A said calmly from behind him. "This is just but a pure demonstration, an example of what the future could hold."

They let go of him and he fell forward, punching the ground in frustration as tears streamed down his face.

He woke up, gasping, suddenly sitting up in his bed. He felt a cold sweat roll down his forehead, and ran a hair through his hair.

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